I have created my script which works properly through the terminal, but I want to convert it to perform all functions as it performs through terminal, but in this case perform through web browser.
My /bin/sh script is:
So , With my script I want through web browser "to find files that contain a text string" for example on /opt/SUNWappserver/nodeagents/ins1/logs/* filling in the fields: UserName, Provisional file name?, File NAME you want to save?, to take results and save results in $MY_FILE.txt after that do this command:
I want to run this script on my CentOS 6 via browser :
echo Username?
read MY_NAME
echo Provisional file name?
read MY_FILE
echo File NAME you want to save?
read MY_FILE2... (16 Replies)
This should be trivial, but it's not. I have Apache installed and running on my SCO UNIX OpenServer 5.0.7 system; Apache says its enabled and started. But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to launch it from a command line or from X-Windows! Maybe JTG or someone else knows the answer.... (2 Replies)
OK, please vote on your favorite web browser and comment why!
Only currently supported browers please!
PS: I am a big FireFox fan. FireFox add-ons rock! (61 Replies)
Have you all noticed that the Dillo web browser always reports bugs just about on every web page. Richard Stallman's Personal Page
However some, but not many have none.
cheers (2 Replies)
On clicking on my WEB BROWSER . no window is appearing , only a dialog box appearing with named "ALERT" any nothing else.
What is browser package name , which is by default in Solaris 10 (3 Replies)
hi experts,
i'm running red hat linux, consider there's no visual interface, no X server...
actually there is one but it's written in Python!
what i need is to intall a decent web browser on it! is it possible? and i only have abt 100 MBs of free disk space... (1 Reply)
Hi there all
I am looking for both a web browser as well as a web server (Ie. Netscape Fasttrack) that will run on HPUX 10.
If you know where I can get these free via FTP, please contact me as soon as possible!!
Mark (1 Reply)