I think it works like it is.
Suggestions for improvement:
works, but the { } should be inside the ' ', to explicitly escape the { } special meaning in the shell.
Put quotes around $variables in command arguments, to prevent the shell from doing further substitutions on them. echo and cp are commands.
You are using the variables APPLCSF and APPLOUT without setting them? What values do they have in your environment when you run your script?
What command line is used to invoke your script?
Are you getting any diagnostics when you invoke your script? If so, what do they say (exactly in CODE tags, please)?
Assuming that you're running in the C or POSIX locale or in an American locale, why are you using:
instead of:
If you're not running in one of the locales mentioned above, what format are you hoping will be used when assigning a value to DATE_TIME?
PS. Note that it is unusual to write a script that requires five operands but never looks at the first four of them. Why do you do that?
I'm curious to know how do I add an empty log file (test1.log) to an existing text file to monitor all the changes made to a.txt.
Is this expression
export PATH=$PATH:/home/test1.log
right to be added to the text file a.txt? (5 Replies)
I am creating a file with all the source folders included in my git branch, when i grep for the used source, i found source included as relative path instead of absolute path, how can convert relative path to absolute path without changing directory to that folder and using readlink -f ? ... (4 Replies)
Hi All,
I have the below code(.sh) and need to send an email.
cp /u02/xxc_incoming/TEST*.dat /u02/xxc_archive_incoming/AMER7764_ARPP_2/
cat /u02/xxc_incoming/TEST*.dat > /u02/xxc_incoming/XXC_TEST.dat
rm /u02/xxc_incoming/TEST*.dat
cd $XXC_TOP/bin
sqlldr userid=apps/<pwd> ... (12 Replies)
Hi ,
I am trying to impliment mod_proxy and mod_proxy_html as a reverse proxy for oracle EBS. Everything is working fine except the submenu links (still pointing to the internal url) of the modules tree view. Please help me.
Arumon (0 Replies)
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
When looking for corefiles, include any file with core in its name. (Some UNIX/Linux systems add the PID of the process that created the core to reduce the chances of overwriting an already existing core file that might be needed. The... (6 Replies)
I have created a shell script which will ftp a file from my Oracle DB server to a remote server - I've named this ftp_test.sh.
I have set up a cron job to fire off the shell script and when I set the job I get a message returned that the job has been installed and everything seems o.k.... (1 Reply)