I feel you missed the very beginning of my post, perhaps I was not precise enough.
The Software-installer finished. So did the Network Configuration Assistant. Next step is trying to create a database, and here is where I encounter the problem.
ORACLE gui installer tries to bundle everything together, but I gave up on this approach after 1st time and instead installed all _but_ the database, and this was fine.
So when I'm ready to create a database I either start the database creation assistant ./dbca or start sqlplus and try to do it via cli. Firts case freezes after clicking "create database" with message "copying database files", 2nd freezes when I start an instance without mounting a database in order to create one.. (it freezes after SQL> STARTUP NOMOUNT; or rather seems to be doing something forever).
I will try with matching SGA and let you know how it goes.
Oracle tends to compile and link, so that could take a while on laptop.
Actually it only links: Oracle has a system user and this user (and its group, more precisely their UID/GID) is linked into the executable when the Oracle binaries are created. This is why you have to do a "relink" when you change that system user with
You find the binaries under $ORACLE_HOME/install.
Notice that the relinking can cause troubles on some systems with memory constraints. You can patch the mentioned relink-script (its a simple shell-script) in this case. I can't remember what exactly i did ((IIRC it was something about temporary files, but i am not sure about what exactly) but i remember having to do that once and it was quite simple once i found the script itself.
@Neo: when the database (that is: the DB-files, not the DB-software, to be precise the database-instance) is created there are a lot of files copied (empty database files, redo-logs, catalogue files and what not) and i suppose this is what Marika is talking about - not the software (binaries) installation.
My settings:
This is definitely wrong! It should be:
I am not sure how Ubuntu does it, but might it be that /tmp is a "virtual filesystem" and in fact a part of RAM? If so: do yourself a favour, create a real filesystem on disk, mount that under /tmp and make sure it is big enough. Oracle creates some amount of temporary files and it might be that the space is simply too small or (if it is a virtual filesystem) its utilisation puts too much constraints on the RAM.
I hope this helps.
Last edited by bakunin; 10-01-2018 at 07:53 AM..
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Thanks, i cannot believe i missed that TMP variable export
But the installer would not run with that kind of definition for sure.
Or would it ?
It would be strange for software not to check if the tmp is actually a directory, among other things.
Would could work (in theory) with that kind of definition, is that if user executed the installer while a tmp directory existed in his current working directory.
It has been some time since i clicked one of those OUI installers tho...
finally go to try again, corrected .bashrc (export TMP=/tmp), set SGA to 8000508 KB to equal swap and PGA to 2GB.
First I tried reinstalling Oracle software completely and starting from scratch. I ran the graphic installer and at the end (at point of database creation), DBCA froze as per usual until I killed the process. Logs:
After googling "ORA-27104: system-defined limits for shared memory was misconfigured" I tried fiddling with shmall and shmmax, but the result is the same: I start ./dbca and the installer stops at 2% and never finishes.
At the danger of disappointing you: not yet. This looks like an interesting problem (in other words: you did nothing obvious wrong but it still doesn't work, so some culprit must exist but we don't know what it is) and it is time for serious debugging,
First, i googled the problem too and everywhere shared memory was mentioned. Have you had a look at the shared memory segments? You can do that with the ipcs command. See the man page for details. If a process crashes it happens that shared memory segments allocated by that process remain allocated but are in fact unusable. In such a case you need to manually remove them (otherwise your memory is made smaller effectively) or reboot, which also gets rid of them.
I also found this link which seems to be quite similar to your problem. Did you increase shared memory in the way the guy suggested? I also found this link effectively saying the same thing.
Another thing i remembered: Oracle has 2 settings: SGA_TARGET and SGA_MAXSIZE. You need to set both of them.
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