That looks more like a "feature" of your editor marking / highlighting different key words / types with different colours. Should be switchable. Check your editor's man page.
Maybe I'm too old and fondly remember IBM mainframe 3270 displays ......
If you mean the green display, I didn't have an IBM 3270 but I do fondly remember an IBM PC with hercules card, that super-luminous green may be out-of-gamut on modern displays, I could never quite duplicate it.
This is supposed to colorize.
But it outputs this
echo -e "${GREEN}File exists.${RESET}"
echo -e "${RED}File does NOT exist.${RESET}"
fi (18 Replies)
Hi All,
I am connecting to SunOs 5.8 server from windows machine through putty. My problem is commands are not showing any colours results. I want to see 'ls' command should list directories in 'red' and files in 'green' etc. How to do it . Please help.
Also How to enable syntax colouring in... (6 Replies)
I want to color the text and bold the text and mail these text.
hi..(in bold)
good morning (in blue color)
and mail these as in color and bold
:wall: (1 Reply)
I'm writing my own Unix ls command in c and I was wondering if anyone knows how to or can point me to a tutorial that shows me how to change the text color of the filename depending on if it's a directory, regular file, linked file, etc..., like the real ls command does? Thanks. (4 Replies)
Hi Everyone:
Is there any way to enable colors through putty for a session into AIX? I've tried to set the TERM variable to xterm-256color but it doesn't work
having a 8-color terminal would be okay for me
thanks in advance (5 Replies)
Hi all
I have a file contains columns showing figures as below :
Input file
D 50 60 90
E 100 20 53
F 30 40 70
G 25 27 45
I want to color the value above or equal 90 by red and to be shown as below
output file... (5 Replies)
Right now I am using putty.
I am using 2-3 terminals at a time. To differentiate each termianl I want to put each putty screen and background color to different colors. I tried changing the colors in normal putty but it's not working.
Is there any other color putty ?
Venkat (2 Replies)