sudo looks trying to execute the command interactivly, use the -s option (or check the man sudo to get the relevant options & syntax depending on your OS)
sudo won't need to do anything interactive unless it requires a password, is the thing. That's exactly what the error means - that it needs to ask for a password but has no means to do so.
Does sudo work in shell when you ssh to eric@nodeb?
In bash, you can do something like this:
echo -n "What is your name? " > /dev/tty
read thename < /dev/tty
How can I do the same in python?
I have a python script that has the following content:
import getpass
import sys
import telnetlib
import... (2 Replies)
Hi Guys,
I use a script sdcmdeploy.ksh to deploy java application to respective dev/test environment. This script is being executed on SunOS. These apps are weblogic apps & the script internally calls weblogic deploy script to deploy application to weblogic cluster.
But at this point it... (2 Replies)
I have an Oracle DBA that is trying to install an RPM from Stratavia which is a web based portal and it executes the following:
Instance Wrapper=sudo -u oracle /opt/datapalette/jython/jython
Server Wrapper=sudo -u root /opt/datapalette/jython/jython
I've compared the /etc/sudoers... (8 Replies)
i am trying overide the below error
sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudoi am aware of ssh -t option. But just experimenting with OS :D
So, tried commenting out Defaults requiretty from my sudoers file after which i am getting the below error
sudo: no tty present and no askpass... (4 Replies)
I am trying to automate the deployment of a tar ball onto a set of remote servers and am getting this error from the ssh -
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
What I have done is add some code into the user's ssh key that does a few things like delete the existing... (2 Replies)
I am not sure if I am using the correct terminology but somehow my tty keeps changing on me. The man pages are confusing to me on what exactly the tty is. This is what I see when I run the tty command. Could anyone explain why my tty keeps changing?
~ $ tty
~ $ tty
/dev/pts/0 (6 Replies)
Hi Gurus:
Can you help me get out of this message ?
I already commented out the ff line in /etc/sudoers file but still prompts me for this message.
#Defaults requiretty
-sh-3.2$ ./check_diskErrors /dev/sda
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified... (3 Replies)