Each call to system() in awk will invoke a shell which will then invoke cp. If there are 6000 files to be copied, invoking one shell for the copies instead of 6000 should be considerably faster. Consider this small change to RudiC's suggestion:
And, if the cp utility on your system has a -t destination_directory option (which is an extension not covered by the standards), you could make even more gains greatly reducing the number of times cp is invoked by using xargs:
These 2 Users Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
Hi I want to print the line until pattern is matched.
I am using below code:
sed -n '1,/pattern / p' file
It is working fine for me , but its not working for exact match.
sed -n '1,/^LAC$/ p' file
LAC ILACTC 0... (8 Replies)
What I would like to do is if the lines with % have the same name, then combine the last 9 letters of the string underneath the last occurrence of that ID with the first 9 letters of the string underneath the first occurrence of that ID.
I have a file that looks like this:
%GOGG... (12 Replies)
I need to extract an info in $1 based on a matched pattern in $2,$3,$4, and $5.
The sample input file as follows:-
ID Pat1 Pat2 Pro1 use1
add41 M M M
add87 M M M M
add32 ... (16 Replies)
I have two files file1.txt and file2.txt. Please see the attachments.
In file2.txt (which actually is a diff output between two versions of file1.txt.), I extract the pattern corresponding to 1172c1172. Now ,In file1.txt I have to search for this pattern 1172c1172 and if found, I have to... (9 Replies)
Hello every,
I am stuck in a problem. I have file like this. I want to add the fifth field of the match pattern line above the lines starting with "# @D". The delimiter is "|"
# @D0.00016870300|0.05501020000|12876|12934|3||Qp||Pleistocene||"3 Qp Pleistocene"|Q
# @P... (5 Replies)
I have script like below:
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<DATA>) {
( my ($s_id) = /^\d+\|(\d+?)\|/ ) ;
if ( $s_id == 1 ){
print "$1$2|$3\n"; (2 Replies)
would like to print word between matched patterns using sed
for example :
create INDEX SCOTT.OR_PK ON table_name(....)
would like to print between SCOTT. and ON which is OR_PK
Please help me out
Thanks (4 Replies)
I have an ugly conf file that has the string I'm interested in searching for in the middle of a block of code that's relevant, and I'm trying to find a way to remove that entire block based on the matched line.
I've googled for this problem, and most people helping are only interested in... (9 Replies)
ONS.1287677000.820.log 20Oct2010
ONS.1287677000.123.log 21Oct2010
ONS.1287677000.456.log 22Oct2010
ONS.1287677000.820.log:V AC CC EN
ONS.1287677000.123.log:V AC CC EN
ONS.1287677000.820.log:V AC CC EN
In file two.txt
i have to look for pattern which column one... (17 Replies)
In a file a pattern is occured many times randomly. Even it may appear more then once in the same line too. How i can get the number of times that pattern appeared in the file? let the file name is abc.txt and the pattern is "xyz".
I used the following code:
grep -ic "xyz" abc.txt
but it is... (3 Replies)