General Purpose Date Script

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Top Forums UNIX for Beginners Questions & Answers General Purpose Date Script
# 1  
Old 01-16-2014
Another update, with more bugfixes, some code simplifications, and a --help option. I'm keeping the most up-to-date code in the OP now.
# 2  
Old 01-17-2014

Thanks for taking the time to do this.

I usually add warnings and strict to help avoid errors. Adding those yields:
Global symbol "$offset" requires explicit package name at ./ line 99.  (about 10 times).

$ ./ 
Use of uninitialized value $input in split at ./ line 65.
Use of uninitialized value $offset in multiplication (*) at ./ line 144.

The line numbers reflect the addition of lines for use strict; and use warnings;

Best wishes ... cheers, drl
This User Gave Thanks to drl For This Post:
# 3  
Old 05-04-2016
Here is v0.0.7, with a little more refined input detection. It can handle more informal dates and time, like:

$ ./ -d "Mar 10, 2016 1:51:09 PM CST"

2016-03-10 13:51:09

$ ./ -d "mon 2"

2016-05-02 10:43:46


Unknown tokens in the -d string are no longer a fatal error, it skips over them and only prints warnings given -v.

It's possible -- even likely -- that loosening the syntax has introduced unintended bugs, so I'm not putting it in the OP just yet. Any comments or suggestions?


use POSIX;
use strict;
use warnings;

my $cmdstr="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
my ($input, $arg, $sign, $file,$offset)=("", undef, 0, undef,0);
my $verbose=0;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst);

my %days = ( "sun" => 0, "sunday" => 0,
        "mon" => 1, "monday" => 1,
        "tue" => 2, "tues" => 2, "tuesday" => 2,
        "wed" => 3, "wednesday" => 3,
        "thu" => 4, "thurs" => 4, "thursday" => 4,
        "fri" => 5, "friday" => 5,
        "sat" => 6, "saturday" => 6 );

my %month = (   "jan" => 0, "january" => 0,"feb" => 1, "february" => 1,
                "mar" => 2, "march" => 2,"apr" => 3, "april" => 3,
                "may" => 4,"jun" => 5, "june" => 5,
                "jul" => 6, "july" => 6,"aug" => 7, "august" => 7,
                "sep" => 8, "sept" => 8, "september" => 8,
                "oct" => 9, "october" => 9,"nov" => 10, "november" => 10,
                "dec" => 11, "december" => 11 );

sub set { # Sets the big mess of time variables from epoch input


# Commandline parsing stuff
while(defined($arg=shift)) {
        if($arg =~ /^--date=/)  {       $input=substr($arg, 7);         }
        elsif($arg eq "-v")     {       $verbose=1;                     }
        elsif($arg eq "-d")   {       $input=shift;                   }
        elsif($arg eq "-r")   {       $file=shift;                    }
        elsif($arg =~ /^--reference=/) {$file=substr($arg, 12);         }
        elsif($arg =~/^\+/)     {       $cmdstr=substr($arg,1);         }
        elsif($arg =~/^-h|--help|--version$/) {
                print STDERR <<"EOT"; v0.0.7, Tyler Montbriand, 2016.  Free PERL date calc/converter.

 -d "time string"       string like "YYYYMMDD", "YYYY/MM/DD",
                        "HHMMSS", "HH:MM:SS", "\@epoch", "- 3 days",
                        "Mar 3 2016 1:16:09 AM",
                        etc.  You can string them together, like
                        "\@1343322750 - 3 days".

 -r /path/to/file       Show mtime of the given file, not current time.

 +"formatstring"        Give strftime this format string instead of the
                        default "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S".  See 'man strftime'

 -v                     Verbose, warn when input formatting is ignored.

Examples:                        # current time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
 TZ="UTC" ./             # Use an alternate time zone +"%a %b %d %Y %r"      # Like Thu Jan 16 2014 12:58:59 PM -d "+ 3 days"          # Current time plus three days -d "\@1343322750"      # exact time in epoch seconds -d "2013/01/02 12:00:00"# exact time in YYYYMMDD HHMMSS -r /etc/passwd         # display mtime of /etc/passwd -r /etc/passwd -d "12:00:00" # date of /etc/passwd, time of noon
        else {       die("unknown argument $arg, try --help");   }

if(defined($file)) { # stat file to get mtime
        my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
               = stat($file);

        defined($dev) || die("No such file $file");


# Put the date string back into argv, split on any whitespace or grammar
unshift(@ARGV, split(/[ \r\n\t,]+/, $input));

        # Need to split +1 into +1
        if($arg =~ /^[+]/) {    $sign=1;        $arg=substr($arg,1);    }
        elsif($arg =~ /^-/) {   $sign=-1;       $arg=substr($arg,1);    }

        ################## DATE FORMAT DETECTION ########################

        # Month and date
        if(exists($month{tolower($arg)}) && ($ARGV[0] =~ /^[0-9]+$/) )
                $mday = $mday + 0;

        # Things like "Mon 12" are day of month
        if(exists($days{tolower($arg)})) {
                if($ARGV[0] =~ /^[0-9]+$/)
                        $mday=$ARGV[0] + 0;

        # A bare four digit number beginning with 19 or 20 is probably a year
        if($arg =~ /^(19[0-9][0-9])|(2[0-9][0-9][0-9])$/)
                $year=$arg - 1900;

        # @1234 means seconds in epoch time
        if($arg =~ /^@([0-9]+)$/)      {        set($1+0);  next;        }

        # Checks for YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD time
        # TODO:  Check for YYMMDD dates
        # TODO:  Check for YYYYDDMM dates (ugh)
        if($arg =~ /^([0-9]{4})([\/-]?)([0-9]{2})\2([0-9]{2})/)

        # HH:MM:SS times
        if($arg =~ /([0-2]?[0-9]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(.[0-9]+)?$/)
                ($sec,$min,$hour)=($3+0, $2+0, $1+0);

                # Handle time with PM in it
                if(tolower($ARGV[0]) eq "pm")
                        if($hour >= 1) { $hour += 12; }
                elsif(tolower($ARGV[0]) == "am")
                        if($hour == 12) { $hour -= 12;  }

        # As last resort, assume its a pure number.
        if($arg =~ /^([0-9]+)$/) {
                ($sign != 0) ||
                die("offset without unit -- probably unrecognized format");


        if($arg =~ /^seconds?$/)   { } # Just take seconds at face value
        elsif($arg =~ /^minutes?$/)     {       $offset *= 60;          }
        elsif($arg =~ /^hours?/)        {       $offset *= 60*60;       }
        elsif($arg =~ /^days?/)         {       $offset *= 60*60*24;    }
        elsif($arg =~ /^weeks?/)        {       $offset *= 60*60*24*7;  }
        elsif($arg =~ /^months?$/)      {

                                        $mon += ($offset*$sign);

                                        while($mon > 12)

                                        while($mon < 0)

        elsif ($arg =~ /^years?$/) {
                                        $year += ($offset*$sign);
        elsif($arg =~ /^now$/)  {       set(time);      }
        elsif(length($arg) == 0){       } # Empty string?  Ignore
        elsif($verbose) {
                print STDERR "Unknown argument $arg\n";

# Convert the altered year, month, etc back into epoch time.
my $ref=mktime($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst);

# Print the calculated time plus offset
print strftime($cmdstr."\n", localtime($ref + ($sign*$offset)));

This User Gave Thanks to Corona688 For This Post:
# 4  
Old 05-04-2016
Brilliant and versatile!

One thought - how about considering/including the locales? Like
locale mon
locale abmon

# 5  
Old 05-05-2016
I'm not certain whether I want to depend on outside locale or even the Perl locale module; this script sees the most use as a kludge on old systems, and the only time locale generally comes up on is when people are fighting its problems. Parsing lists is a lot shorter than the hash syntax either way, though, so I'm happy to leave that choice to the user.

# loadhash(\%hash, "A;B", "a;b")
# sets $hash{A}=0, $hash{B}=1, $hash{a}=0, $hash{b}=1
sub loadhash {
        my ($h,$n)=(shift,0);
        foreach(@_)     { $n=0; foreach(split('[;\n]', lc($_))) { ${$h}{$_}=$n++; } }

#loadhash(\%month, `locale mon`, `locale abmon`);
loadhash(\%month, "January;February;March;April;May;June;July;August;September;October;November;December",
#loadhash(\%days, `locale day`, `locale abday`);
loadhash(\%days, "Sunday;Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Saturday",

Beginning to understand why people play 'perl golf' now, if the goal is to write a subroutine shorter than the 10 lines of repetition its to replace...!
# 6  
Old 05-05-2016
Originally Posted by Corona688
I'm not certain whether I want to depend on outside locale or even the Perl locale module; this script sees the most use as a kludge on old systems ...
I think Corona688 and I have had a discussion about perl modules -- I tend to prefer to use them to make code shorter, and I think Corona688 likes his code to be as independent as possible.

I usually recommend this perl date code when the user (typically on older Solaris or AIX) cannot use GNU date or the dateuitls suite, so I definitely agree with Corona688's position in such situations.

Thanks again to Corona688 for taking the time to provide this.

Best wishes ... cheers, drl
# 7  
Old 05-05-2016
A few bugfixes and improvements, such as the ability to ask it for "last week". It removes a lot of undefined behavior that happened whenever it had partial arguments. Base time and offsets are now calculated in different loops, and you can specify more than one offset now, like "last week + 5 hours - 3 minutes"


use POSIX;
use strict;
use warnings;

my $cmdstr="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";		# see strftime
my ($input, $arg, $sign, $ref,$offset,$quiet,$n)=("", undef, 0, time,0,0,0);
# $lt[SEC] is seconds, etc.  See perldoc -f localtime
use constant {	SEC=>0,	MIN=>1,	HOUR=>2,DAY=>3,	MON=>4,	YEAR=>5,WDAY=>6 };
# Titles for localtime() array elements
my @title=("Seconds","Minutes","Hours","Day","Month","Year","Weekday");
# Times stored in the format of 'perldoc -f localtime'.
# In the case of @changed, only elements that were altered in @lt are 
# set,other values are undefined.
my (@lt, @changed);
# Lookups for mon/tues/wed jan/feb/mar names into day and month numbers
my (%month, %days);
my %mult=("second" => 1, "minute" => 60, "hour" => 60*60, "day" => 60*60*24,
	"week"=>60*60*24*7, "year" => 31536000 );
# Alter a value in @lt and copy that value into the same index of @changed
sub set {
	my ($i,$v)=(shift,shift);

# Takes an hour in AM, returns a number in 24-hour time
sub am { if($_[0] == 12) { return($_[0] - 12); } return($_[0]); }
# Takes an hour in PM, returns an hour in 24-hour time
sub pm { if($_[0] >= 1) { return($_[0] + 12); } return($_[0]); }

# loadhash(\%hash, "A;B", "a;b")
# sets $hash{A}=0, $hash{B}=1, $hash{a}=0, $hash{b}=1
sub loadhash {
        my ($h,$n)=(shift,0);
	foreach(@_)	{
		$n=0; foreach(split('[;\n]', lc($_))) { ${$h}{$_}=$n++; }

# Parse commandline arguments
while(defined($arg=shift)) {
        if($arg =~ /^--date=/)  {       $input=substr($arg, 7);         }
        elsif($arg =~/^\+/)     {       $cmdstr=substr($arg,1);         }
	elsif($arg eq "-q")	{	$quiet=1;			}
        elsif($arg eq "-d")   {       $input=shift;                   }
        elsif(($arg eq "-r") || ($arg =~ /^--reference=(.*)$/))
		if(defined($1))	{ $arg=$1; }
		else		{ $arg=shift; }
	        my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
	               = stat($arg);

	        defined($dev) || die("No such file $arg");

        elsif($arg =~/^-h|--help|--version$/) {
                print STDERR <<"EOT"; v0.0.8, Tyler Montbriand, 2016.  Free PERL date calc/converter.
 -d "time string"       string like "YYYYMMDD", "YYYY/MM/DD",
                        "HHMMSS", "HH:MM:SS", "\@epoch", "- 3 days",
			"Mar 3 2016 1:16:09 AM", 
                        etc.  You can string them together, like
                        "\@1343322750 - 3 days".

 -r /path/to/file       Show mtime of the given file, not current time.

 +"formatstring"        Give strftime this format string instead of the
                        default "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S".  See 'man strftime'

 -q warns you when given conflicting
			information, i.e. feb 29 not on a leap year.
			It also warns you when input isn't understood.
			-q suppesses this.
Examples:                         # current time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
TZ="UTC" ./              # Use an alternate time zone +"%a %b %d %Y %r"       # Like Thu Jan 16 2014 12:58:59 PM -d "+ 3 days"           # Current time plus three days -d "\@1343322750"       # exact time in epoch seconds -d "2013/01/02 12:00:00"# exact time in YYYYMMDD HHMMSS -d "9am"                # Today at 9am -d "last week + 5 minutes" -r /etc/passwd          # display mtime of /etc/passwd -r /etc/passwd -d "12:00:00" # date of /etc/passwd, time of noon
        else {       die("unknown argument $arg, try --help");   }

# Load hashes full of day and month names

#loadhash(\%month, `locale mon`, `locale abmon`);
loadhash(\%month, "January;February;March;April;May;June;July;August;September;October;November;December",
#loadhash(\%days, `locale day`, `locale abday`);
loadhash(\%days, "Sunday;Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Saturday",


# Lowercase input so we can look up tokens like 'monday' in hashes
# Separate strings and numbers into their own tokens, like "9am" => "9 am"
# : still belongs with numbers for HH:MM:SS etc.
$input =~ s/([0-9:])([a-z])/$1 $2/g;
$input =~ s/([a-z])([0-9:])/$1 $2/g;

# Split input on whitespace and commas and jam back into ARGV
unshift(@ARGV, split(/[ \r\n\t,]+/, $input));

while(!$sign && defined($arg=shift))
        # Need to split +1 into +, 1
        if($arg =~ /^[+]/) {
		if(length($arg) > 1) { unshift(@ARGV, substr($arg,1)); }
        elsif($arg =~ /^-/) {
		if(length($arg) > 1) { unshift(@ARGV, substr($arg,1)); }

	if($arg eq "plus")	{	$sign=1;	next;	}
	if($arg eq "minus")	{	$sign=-1;	next;	}

        if(length($arg) == 0){ next } # Empty string?  Ignore

        ################## DATE FORMAT DETECTION ########################

        # Dates like "Jan" "17"
		set(MON, $month{$arg});
		if(($#ARGV >= 0) && ($ARGV[0] =~ /^[0-9]+$/))
			set(DAY, $ARGV[0] + 0);

	# mon/monday/etc
	if(exists($days{$arg})) {
		set(WDAY, $days{$arg} );

		# If it's followed by a numeral, i.e. Monday 7,
		# the numeral is the day of the month
		if(($#ARGV >= 0) && ($ARGV[0] =~ /^[0-9]+$/))
		{ set(DAY, $ARGV[0] + 0); shift; }


	# a bare 4-digit number beginning with 19 or 20 is probably a year
	if($arg =~ /^(19[0-9][0-9])|^(2[0-9][0-9][0-9])$/)
	{	set(YEAR, $arg - 1900);	next;	}

        # @1234 means seconds in epoch time
        if($arg =~ /^@([0-9]+)$/)      {
		# Date has been replaced, prev changes are now irrelevant
		for($n=0; $n<8; $n++) { $changed[$n]=undef; }

        # Checks for YYYYMMDD or YYYY/MM/DD time
        if(($arg =~ /^([0-9]{4})([\/-])([0-9]{1,2})\2([0-9]{1,2})$/) ||
		($arg =~ /^([0-9]{4})()([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/))
		set(YEAR, $1-1900); set(MON, $3-1); set(DAY, $4+0);

		# Set time variables which haven't been set already
		{ set(SEC,0); set(MIN,0); set(HOUR,0); }


        # HH:MM:SS times.  Sub-second times are allowed but ignored
        if($arg =~ /([0-2]?[0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(:([0-5][0-9])(.[0-9]+)?)?$/)
		if(defined($4)) { set(SEC, $4+0); }
		else		{ set(SEC, 0); }

		set(MIN, $2+0);	set(HOUR, $1+0);

		# Handle time with PM in it
		if($#ARGV < 0) { }
		elsif($ARGV[0] eq "pm")  { set(HOUR, pm($lt[HOUR])); shift; }
		elsif($ARGV[0] eq "am")  { set(HOUR, am($lt[HOUR])); shift; }

        # Times like 9 AM
        if(($arg =~ /^([0-9]+)$/) && ($#ARGV>=0) && ($ARGV[0] =~ /^(am|pm)$/)) {
		$arg=$arg + 0;

		set(SEC, 0); set(MIN,0); set(HOUR, $arg);
		if($ARGV[0] eq "am") { set(HOUR, am($lt[HOUR])); }
		else                 { set(HOUR, pm($lt[HOUR])); }

	# Redundant, but whatever
        if($arg =~ /^now$/)  {
		# Date has been replaced, prev changes are now irrelevant
		for($n=0; $n<8; $n++) { $changed[$n]=undef; }

	# last second/minute/hour/week/year
	if($arg =~ /^(last)|(next)$/)
		if(defined($1)) { $offset=-1; } else { $offset=1; }

		if($#ARGV < 0)
			{	print STDERR "next what, exactly?\n"	}


		$ARGV[0] =~ s/s$//;

			# Date has been replaced, prev changes are now irrelevant
			for($n=0; $n<8; $n++) { $changed[$n]=undef; }
			$offset *= $mult{$ARGV[0]};
		elsif($ARGV[0] eq "month")
			$lt[MON] += $sign;

			if($lt[MON] >= 12) { $lt[YEAR]++; $lt[MON] -= 12; }
			if($lt[MON] < 0) { $lt[MON] += 12; $lt[YEAR] --; }

			set(MON, $lt[MON]);
			set(YEAR, $lt[YEAR]);
			print STDERR $ARGV[0]." not a valid option for next\n";


        if(! $quiet) {
                print STDERR "Unknown argument $arg\n";

# If a + / - sign was found, process the next arguments as the offset
while($sign && defined($arg=shift))
	# Might find another sign.
        if($arg =~ /^[+]/) {
		if(length($arg) > 1) { unshift(@ARGV, substr($arg,1)); }
        elsif($arg =~ /^-/) {
		if(length($arg) > 1) { unshift(@ARGV, substr($arg,1)); }

	if($arg eq "plus")	{	$sign=1;	next;	}
	if($arg eq "minus")	{	$sign=-1;	next;	}

	# A number followed by a type, "9" "years"
	$arg =~ s/s$//;
	if(($arg =~ /^[0-9]+$/) && ($#ARGV >= 0))
		# second/minute/hour/day/week/year are just multiplication
		$ARGV[0] =~ s/s$//g;

			$offset += $mult{$ARGV[0]} * $arg * $sign;
		elsif($ARGV[0] =~ /months?/)	# months means counting
			while($arg >= 12)
				$arg -= 12;
				$offset += $sign * $mult{"year"};

			$lt[MON] += $arg * $sign;
                        while($lt[MON] >= 12) { $lt[MON]-=12; $lt[YEAR]++; }
			while($lt[MON] < 0)  { $lt[MON]+=12; $lt[YEAR]--; }

			set(MON, $lt[MON]); set(YEAR, $lt[YEAR]);
			if(!$quiet) {
				print STDERR "Unknown element ".$ARGV[0]."\n";


# Convert the altered year, month, etc back into epoch time.
my $nref=mktime(@lt);
# Convert back into year, month, etc, to see if the input made sense.
my @san=localtime($nref);

for($n=0; $n<=6; $n++)
	if(($quiet == 0) && defined($changed[$n]) && ($changed[$n] != $san[$n]))
		printf STDERR "%s changed, inconsistent input?", $title[$n];
		printf STDERR "\t%s in %s out\n", $changed[$n], $san[$n];

# Print the calculated time plus offset
print strftime($cmdstr."\n", localtime($nref + ($offset)));

Last edited by Corona688; 05-05-2016 at 07:54 PM..
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