password will expire

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users password will expire
# 8  
Old 02-28-2003
Originally posted by Erwin Stocker
Thank to Perderabo for the script.
But - how can I
display my system clock and got the seconds (1046356359).
Please send me the Command
Many thanks from
Erwin Stocker
You're welcome!

As for the command, I used the sequence:

adb -k /stand/vmunix /dev/mem

However, that is specific to HP-UX and I don't know that I would really recommend it as a good solution even on HP-UX.

Just for fun:
echo $(( ($(datecalc -j $(date -u "+%Y %m %d")) - $(datecalc -j 1970 1 1))
 * (24*60*60) + $(date -u "+((( %H * 60) + %M ) * 60 + %S)" | sed 's/ 0/ /g') ))

I guess that I would have to go with perl as the best game in town. That first script that RTM posted can actually be condensed into:
perl -e 'print time(),"\n"'
(Note that the above line ends with double quote, then single quote.)

However, I'm not sure why you want to do this. I thought that you had a data file with the raw seconds already in it. I was just using the current time as an example.
# 9  
Old 02-28-2003
Not sure about the date(1) on AIX, but many date commands have this as an option. GNU date uses the +%s modifier, and at least one of the BSD's have a date command that allows you to show seconds since 1970.
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