I am using functions in a script and for some strange reason the EXPORT command doesnt seem to be making my variables global.
Anyone got any ideas?
I am using one function to pass some output top another using the pipe command, eg
Function 1 | Function 2
Function 2 reads the value passed from Function one and sets some variables based on its value then exports them
setStartSeq() {
read logFile
echo "Start redo log: $logFile"
arcPrefix=$(echo $logFile | cut -d_ -f1)"_"$(echo $logFile | cut -d_ -f2)
startSeq=$(echo $logFile | cut -d_ -f3 | cut -d. -f1)
export arcPrefix=$arcPrefix
export startSeq=$startSeq
Yet later on in the script another function tries to use the above exported variables and they arent set!!
I have confirmed that by running an export -p in the later function and all values set above are blank.
I am new to BASH and Linux but have used export without issue with kornshell.
Any help would be greatly appreciated