As far as your booting problem, it's a documented problem -
Installing Solaris 2.5.1 11/97 or Solaris 2.6 5/98 on Ultra 5, 10, 60, 80 or E220r and E420r
with 440 or 450 Mhz CPUs, whether interactively using a CDROM or doing a
jumpstart install will fail with the message "hme0 - link down".
[B]Another failure symptom is multiple keyboard input repeats, or repeating keystrokes[\B]
To prevent this, the Operating Environment Installation CD p/n 704-6914-10 (Sept 99) or
704-7076-10 (Feb 2000) must be used. Complete procedures are documented in
the manual(s) 804-6657-11(Sept 99) or 806-4005-10 (Feb 2000)
"Installing Solaris 2.5.1 or Solaris 2.6 Software on 419+ MHz Systems" or
"Installing Solaris Software for Selected Hardware"
Look for the OECD and documentation in the shrink wrapped packet
that says "Binary Code License" or inside front cover of
"Installing Solaris Software for Selected Hardware" manual.
SunSolve boot cdrom keystroke repeats for more information.