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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users Loghost
# 1  
Old 06-03-2002
Question Loghost

I need to configure a LOGHOST. have several machines reporting to it (SOL 2.6 to 2.8) for each host that reports to the LOGHOST I need a spearte directory/and log, instead of of big log. Any ideas?
# 2  
Old 06-03-2002
Since syslog won't do what you want by itself, you will have to create a script (or two...) to make it work.

But, if you set up all the 'clients' to send all the info to one server (loghost), and then set up the server to send different levels of different alerts to different files, it may not be as bad as just one big file. You can see examples as follows in the man page for syslog.conf (on Solaris).

mail.info /var/log/notice
*.crit /var/log/critical
kern,mark.debug /dev/console
kern.err @server
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