Processing extended ascii character file names in UNIX (BASH scipts)

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users Processing extended ascii character file names in UNIX (BASH scipts)
# 8  
Old 04-06-2008
Hi again, I don't know if I can continue this topic but I have futher related problems with my Installer.

I have shared files that's not included in the Mac or Win installers. The installers get this files from a script and install them in the right location. There's accentuated characters in the folder names. This time it's an "ä" and the ASCII code is I belive 303 244. So I put in \0303\0244 in the text but there's more to it and I need help with that?

The script for OS X goes as follow:

#open EFILE, ">>$ENV{HOME}/Desktop/postDocuOutfile.txt";
#print EFILE "ARGV 0 = $ARGV[0]\n";
#print EFILE "ARGV 1 = $ARGV[1]\n";
#print EFILE "ARGV 2 = $ARGV[2]\n";
#print EFILE "ARGV 3 = $ARGV[3]\n";
#print EFILE "ARGV 4 = $ARGV[4]\n";

#$1: The full path to the installation package.
#$2: The full path to the installation destination.
#$3: The mountpoint of the destination volume.
#$4: The root directory for the current System folder.

$thisDir = $ARGV[0];
#print "*********thisDir = $thisDir\n";

chomp $thisDir;
@thisDirElements = split '/', $thisDir;

#close EFILE;

if ( $thisDirElements[1] eq 'Volumes' ) #do I need this anymore????
#	print "*********Inside IF thisDirElements[1] eq Volumes"
	$tutorialInstallPath = '/'.$thisDirElements[1].'/'.$thisDirElements[2].'/FINDATA/Sj\0303\0244lvstudier/';
	if (! -e $tutorialInstallPath )
		$tutorialInstallPath = '/'.$thisDirElements[1].'/'.$thisDirElements[2].'/fsCommand/FINDATA/Sj\0303\0244lvstudier/';
#	print "*********Tutorial Install Source = $tutorialInstallPath\n";
	$qsvInstallPath = '/'.$thisDirElements[1].'/'.$thisDirElements[2].'/FINDATA/Videotips';
#	print "*********QSV Install Source = $qsvInstallPath\n";
	`cp -f -p "$tutorialInstallPath" "/Applications/Finale 2008/Sj\0303\0244lvstudier"`;
	`cp -R -f -p "$qsvInstallPath" "/Applications/Finale 2008/Hj\0303\0244lpfiler"`;
#close EFILE;
exit 0;

On the CD is a folder "in the same directory as the Installer" called "FINDATA" and in that to folders "Självstudier and Hjälpfiler". In "Självstudier" is placed a movie "" that the installer will get and the folder called "Hjälpfiler".



Last edited by Don Cragun; 02-21-2016 at 03:27 PM.. Reason: Change SIZE and I flags to CODE tags.
# 9  
Old 04-06-2008
You have to use double quotes (instead of single ones) and specify only three digits for the octal code. In this manner you can also avoid the concatenation operator, for example:

$tutorialInstallPath = "/$thisDirElements[1]/$thisDirElements[2]/FINDATA/Sj\303\244lvstudier/";

# 10  
Old 04-06-2008

God enough for Rock'n Roll

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