finding a string in a file

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# 1  
Old 01-24-2008
Error finding a string in a file

hi all..
I dont know how to search for a string in a file.. I have tried doing.. I did google but didnt get effective code is as follows:

int search(char* filename,const char*

username,const char* passwd)
int flag=0;
unsigned long fsize=0;
unsigned long current=0;
int fdsearch=-1;
int cun,cpw;
char *user,*pass;
int un,pw;
fsize = lseek(fdsearch, 0L, 2);

while (current<fsize)

printf("incorrect password");
//increment current position by 1
return flag;

I dont know how to read end of string(space will be the delimiter in the file),then end of line.
i guess the bolded areas are where I am doing mistakes..
kindly help me...
thanks in advanceSmilie
# 2  
Old 01-24-2008
i think the code works perfectly fine...

i think what u r seraching for is passed username and password in a file (they shld occur consecutively).

If not let us know your requirement and the sample data file
# 3  
Old 01-24-2008
Originally Posted by Ume1986
hi all..
I dont know how to search for a string in a file.. I have tried doing.. I did google but didnt get effective code is as follows:

int search(char* filename,const char*

username,const char* passwd)
int flag=0;
unsigned long fsize=0;
unsigned long current=0;
int fdsearch=-1;
int cun,cpw;
char *user,*pass;
int un,pw;
fsize = lseek(fdsearch, 0L, 2);

while (current<fsize)
lseek(fdsearch, cun+1, SEEK_SET);

printf("incorrect password");
//increment current position by 1
return flag;

I dont know how to read end of string(space will be the delimiter in the file),then end of line.
i guess the bolded areas are where I am doing mistakes..
kindly help me...
thanks in advanceSmilie
Does you input file contains only one username/password pair or mutliple entries?

Nagarajan G
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