how to increase cylinders on USB Flash Drive

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Top Forums UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users how to increase cylinders on USB Flash Drive
# 8  
Old 09-29-2011
No. As seen in your posts above, 5917 and 654 are a cylinder count, NOT the size in MB. For that you'd have to pass +xyzM as a parameter to create a partition of xyz MB size.
# 9  
Old 09-30-2011
How many cylinders your flash drive has depends on how how many its boot sector says it has and nothing else. This is because 'cylinders' are wholly imaginary on any device which supports modern logical block addressing.

You're not "missing" cylinders either. If you have fewer cylinders on the same sized device, they must be larger cylinders too.

Originally Posted by Pkumar Sachin
All right. I pass 5917 and 654 as the two parameters to this script. These are basically system engineered values and are sizes of the partition in MB instead of cylinders.
If they really are MB, stick a + on the front, an M on the end, and fdisk will understand them as sizes in megabytes and figure out the right number of cylinders for you no matter what the cylinder size.
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