Find and replace txt between two strings in flat file

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# 1  
Old 07-15-2011
Find and replace txt between two strings in flat file

Hi There...
I need to serach and replace strngs in a text file.
My file has;'Let me read'

expected output is

Can I first find the text between string1=' and string2= ' (locate the text beween the cotes)

and then replace by NOTFOUND.!! this way i can replace multiple strings. I have tried this code but no luck..

sed -i 's/\('\)[^<]*\('\)/NOTFOUND/g' abc.txt

pls guide
# 2  
Old 07-15-2011
$ cat replace.txt'Let me read'

$ sed -i 's/=.*/=NONFOUND/' replace.txt 

$ cat replace.txt

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