Avoid creating temporary files on editing a file in Ubuntu

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Operating Systems Linux Ubuntu Avoid creating temporary files on editing a file in Ubuntu
# 8  
Old 11-17-2007
Thanks a lot cbkihong. It works perfectly when we give that in vim command line as you said.
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WHAT-PATCH(1)						      General Commands Manual						     WHAT-PATCH(1)

what-patch - detect which patch system a Debian package uses SYNOPSIS
what-patch [options] DESCRIPTION
what-patch examines the debian/rules file to determine which patch system the Debian package is using. what-patch should be run from the root directory of the Debian source package. OPTIONS
Listed below are the command line options for what-patch: -h, --help Display a help message and exit. -v Enable verbose mode. This will include the listing of any files modified outside or the debian/ directory and report any additional details about the patch system if available. AUTHORS
what-patch was written by Kees Cook <kees@ubuntu.com>, Siegfried-A. Gevatter <rainct@ubuntu.com>, and Daniel Hahler <ubuntu@thequod.de>, among others. This manual page was written by Jonathan Patrick Davies <jpds@ubuntu.com>. Both are released under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or later. SEE ALSO
The Ubuntu MOTU team has some documentation about patch systems at the Ubuntu wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems cdbs-edit-patch(1), dbs-edit-patch(1), dpatch-edit-patch(1) DEBIAN
Debian Utilities WHAT-PATCH(1)