Originally Posted by raybakh
So perderabo,
A collegue of mine have Linux & Windows in his notebook (in which the 60GB are split into 2). He also are able to log into both OS by pressing certain key (in which he is reluctant to teach). Could this be done here; where CentOS, Fedora & Redhat can be access simultaneously.
He's probably reluctant to teach you, because, you have to shell out a considerable amount of money to get the third-party software that makes this possible --
Which, if you're willing to do so, would actually be a pretty good way to simultaneously boot three operating systems. VMware comes in Linux and Windows versions, and does what it says on the box; you can run an entire virtual computer inside it with it's own independent virtual hardware, at nearly native speeds. x86 only of course. I've got VMware Workstation myself, so on the rare occasions I need to boot into Windows, I can, without the risk of giving Windows full control of my computer.
If you don't want that, you'll have to triple-boot, and they won't be simultaneous.