XtVaGetApplicationResources()											     XtVaGetApplicationResources()

  XtVaGetApplicationResources - retrieve resources for the overall application using varargs argument style.

  void XtVaGetApplicationResources(object, base, resources, num_resources, ..., NULL)
	   Widget object;
	   XtPointer base;
	   XtResourceList resources;
	   Cardinal num_resources;

  object    Specifies  the  object that identifies the resource database to search (the database is that associated with the display for this
	    object); may be of class Object or any subclass thereof.

  base	    Specifies the address of structure into which the resources will be written.

  resources Specifies the resource list for the subpart.

	    Specifies the number of resources in the resource list.

  ..., NULL A NULL-terminated variable-length list of resource name/value pairs to override any other resource specifications.

  Release 4 and later.

  XtVaGetApplicationResources() obtains values for the resources described by resources, from the variable-length argument list, the resource
  database,  or  from the default values associated with each resource, and stores these values into the structure pointed to by base.	It is
  identical to XtGetApplicationResources() except that the args array of resource names and values and the num_args argument of that function
  are replaced with a NULL-terminated variable-length argument list.

  See  XtGetApplicationResources()  for more information on this function.  See XtVaSetValues() for more information on using variable-length
  argument lists to specify resources.

See Also
  XtGetApplicationResources(1), XtVaGetSubresources(1), XtVaSetValues(1).

Xt - Resource Management											     XtVaGetApplicationResources()