ingres_execute - Execute a prepared query

bool ingres_execute (resource $result, [array $params], [string $types]) DESCRIPTION
Execute a query prepared using ingres_prepare(3). Note Related Configurations See also the ingres.describe, ingres.scrollable and ingres.utf8 directives in Runtime Configuration. PARAMETERS
o $result - The result query identifier o $params - An array of parameter values to be used with the query o $types - A string containing a sequence of types for the parameter values passed. See the types parameter in ingres_query(3) for the list of type codes. RETURN VALUES
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. SEE ALSO
ingres_unbuffered_query(3), ingres_fetch_array(3), ingres_fetch_assoc(3), ingres_fetch_object(3), ingres_fetch_row(3), ingres_commit(3), ingres_rollback(3), ingres_autocommit(3), ingres_set_environment(3), ingres_errno(3), ingres_error(3). PHP Documentation Group INGRES_EXECUTE(3)