BIBLEDIT-RDWRT(1) General Commands Manual BIBLEDIT-RDWRT(1)
bibledit-rdwrt - Read or writes data to or from a Bibledit-Gtk Bible or project
Bibledit-rdwrt can read from or write to Bible data.
Syntax: bibledit-rdwrt -r|-w project book chapter|0 fileName
Breaking the syntax down we have:
First parameter: -r|-w This can be either -r or -w which determines whether the remaining arguments are going to do a "read" operation from
the specified Bibledit-Gtk Bible / project, or do a "write" operation to that Bible / project.
Second parameter: project This gives the name of the Bibledit-Gtk Bible / project. All we have to do is ensure that the project name we
want to access is a valid/existing one.
Third parameter: book This is simply the 3-letter book code for the Bible book that is being read/written to. I.e., MAT for Matthew, GEN
for Genesis, etc.
Fourth parameter: chapter|0 This can be either a chapter number or 0 (zero) for reading/writing either an individual chapter or read-
ing/writing a whole book (when the parameter is 0).
Fifth parameter: fileName This is a temporary file name that we assign for our use with bibledit-rdwrt. For a read (-r) operation this
fileName argument is the name of the file that will be created by bibledit-rdwrt containing a copy of the whole book (corresponding to the
3-letter code), or that contains the individual chapter contents (of a designated chapter) of an existing Bibledit-Gtk book file in the
Bible / project. It should be prefixed with a path us. Since bibledit-rdwrt is a console operation, after AdaptIt calls it using ::wxExe-
cute, it would need to read the resulting temporary file to grab the contents for its use. For a write (-w) operation this fileName argu-
ment is the name of the temporary file that bibledit-rdwrt reads to get the text which it then writes to the appropriate Bible / project
file. The temporary file can contain the text of a whole book, or just the text of a single chapter for the book specified by the book
3-letter code and the chapter (number) argument.
bibledit-rdwrt may exit with 0 on success, or -1 on failure, as it sees fit. It may write to stdout or stderr, as it sees fit.
This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License, as noted in each source file.
Version 4.2 August 18 2011 BIBLEDIT-RDWRT(1)