XtManageChild() 														   XtManageChild()

  XtManageChild - bring a widget under its parent's geometry management.

  void XtManageChild(w)
	 Widget w;

  w	    Specifies the child widget to be managed; Must be of class RectObj or any subclass thereof.

  XtManageChild()  brings  a child widget under the geometry management of its parent.	All widgets (except shell widgets) must be managed in
  order to be visible.	Managing a widget will generally make it visible, unless its XtNmappedWhenManaged resource is False.

  XtManageChild() constructs a WidgetList of length one and calls XtManageChildren().  See XtManageChildren() for more information.

  Calls to XtCreateWidget() and XtManageChild() can be combined into a single call to XtCreateManagedWidget() or XtVaCreateManagedWidget().

  If you are going to manage multiple children of the same managed and realized parent, it is more efficient to place those  children  widget
  into an array and call XtManageChildren() just once, as this results in only a single call to the parent's change_managed() method.  If you
  are creating widgets before the widget tree has been realized, however, managing them one at a time is fine.

  A widget can be unmanaged by calling XtUnmanageChild().

See Also
  XtCreateManagedWidget(1), XtIsManaged(1), XtManageChildren(1), XtSetMappedWhenManaged(1), XtUnmanageChild(1), XtUnmanageChildren(1).

Xt - Widget Lifecycle														   XtManageChild()