XtUngrabButton()														  XtUngrabButton()

  XtUngrabButton - cancel a passive button grab.

  void XtUngrabButton(widget, button, modifiers)
	   Widget widget;
	   unsigned int button;
	   Modifiers modifiers;

  widget    Specifies the widget in whose window the button was grabbed.

  button    Specifies the mouse button to be ungrabbed.

  modifiers Specifies the modifier keys to be ungrabbed.

  Release 4 and later.

  XtUngrabButton()  cancels  a passive grab of the specified button/modifiers combination.  If w is realized, XtUngrabButton() calls XUngrab-
  Button() specifying the widget's window as the ungrab window, and passing the remaining arguments unmodified.  If the widget is  not	real-
  ized, XtUngrabButton() removes the deferred XtGrabButton() request, if any, for the specified widget, button, and modifiers.

  The  button  argument  is one of Button1, Button2, Button3, Button4, Button5, or the constant AnyButton, which is equivalent to issuing the
  ungrab request for all possible buttons.

  The modifiers argument is a bitwise OR of one or more of the following  symbols:  ShiftMask,	LockMask,  ControlMask,  Mod1Mask,  Mod2Mask,
  Mod3Mask,  Mod4Mask,	Mod5Mask.  The special value AnyModifier is also allowed; using it is equivalent to issuing the ungrab button request
  for all possible modifier combinations (including no modifiers).

  XtUngrabButton() has no effect on an active grab.

  See XtGrabButton() for more information on passive button grabs.

  You should rarely need to use passive button grabs.  An automatic grab takes place between a ButtonPress event and the  corresponding  But-
  tonRelease  event,  so  an  explicit	grab  is not necessary in some of the most common situations.  It may be necessary for some styles of
  menus, however.

  Note that XtAddGrab() and spring-loaded popups can be used in place of passive grabs in many circumstances.  These do  not  actually	issue
  any X server grabs.

  The Modifiers type is defined as follows:

     typedef unsigned int Modifiers;

See Also
  XtAddGrab(1), XtGrabButton(1), XtGrabKey(1), XtGrabKeyboard(1), XtGrabPointer(1), XtUngrabKey(1), XtUngrabKeyboard(1), XtUngrabPointer(1).

Xt - Mouse Handling														  XtUngrabButton()