mtio(4) 						     Kernel Interfaces Manual							   mtio(4)

       mtio - magnetic tape interface

       The directory special files ``rmt0{a,l,m,h}, ..., rmt31{a,l,m,h''} refer to the mass storage tape drives, that may exist on several differ-
       ent buses depending on the bus/formatter/controller. On the BI, the TMSCP controllers, are available.  On the DSSI bus the TMSCP controller
       is  available.	On  the Q-bus the TMSCP controllers, and the TSV05 controller, are available. On the MASSBUS, there are the TM03, and TM78
       formatters, On the UNIBUS, TS11 formatters, the TSU05 controller, and the TMSCP	controllers,  are  available.	On  VAXstation	2000s  and
       MicroVAX  2000s,  the  TZK50  cartridge	tape  subsystem, is available.	On the SCSI bus, the SCSI tapes (see are available.  The following
       description applies to any mass storage tape drive.

       For both the ``rewind'' and norewind special files, described later, the unit number represents a symbolic count  that  has  no	connection
       with  the actual ``plug'' or controller number of a particular tape drive.  As each tape unit special file is created, the number counts up
       from 0 to 31 for a total of 32 tape drives.

       The special files ``rmt0l, ..., rmt31l'' are low density, ``rmt0m, ..., rmt31m'' are medium density (when a drive is  ``triple  density''),
       and  ``rmt0h, ..., rmt31h'' are high density. All these special files cause a loaded and on-line tape to automatically rewind to the begin-
       ning-of-tape (BOT) when closed.	Low, medium, and high density are relative to the densities supported on  a  particular  tape  drive,  for
       example, the TS11/TSU05/TSV05 supports only 1600 bpi so its rewind namespace is ``rmt0h, ..., rmt31h''.

       For  SCSI  QIC  tape  devices,  the  special  files  ``rmt0a, ..., rmt31a'' are QIC-24 density, ``rmt0l, ..., rmt31l'' are QIC-120 density,
       ``rmt0m, ..., rmt31m'' are QIC-150 density, and ``rmt0h, ..., rmt31h'' are QIC-320 density (see tz 4 for further details.

       The special files ``nrmt0{a,l,m,h}, ..., nrmt31{a,l,m,h}'' do not cause a rewind when closed, regardless of density.  When closed, the tape
       is positioned between two tapemarks. The norewind namespace for the TS11/TSU05/TSV05 example given above is ``nrmt0h, ..., nrmt31h''.

       The  rmt and nrmt special files are available to all ULTRIX utilities that can perform I/O to tape.  A number of magnetic tape ioctl opera-
       tions are available.  The operations come under two ioctl request groups.  The MTIOCTOP ioctl is used to  issue	tape  operation  commands.
       The MTIOCGET ioctl is used for getting status.

       The mtop data structure defined in is passed as a parameter to the MTIOCTOP ioctl.  The mtop structure is:
       struct mtop {
	    short   mt_op;
	    daddr_t mt_count;
       The  mt_op  field  is used to specify the specific tape command to be performed.  The mt_count field is used to specify the number of times
       the command is to be performed (where applicable).

       The following are tape operations supported in the MTIOCTOP ioctl.  These commands are specified in the mt_op field of the mtop structure.

	    MTWEOF    Writes an end-of-file to the tape.  Physically, an end of file consists of a tape mark.

	    MTFSF     Repositions forward the number of files specified in the mt_count field.	This command  repositions  the	tape  forward  the
		      specified number of tape marks.  (Tape marks delimit files.)  Upon successful completion of this command, the tape is physi-
		      cally positioned at the end of the specified number of tape marks.

	    MTBSF     Repositions backward the number of files specified in the mt_count field.  This command repositions the  tape  backward  the
		      specified  number of tape marks.	(Tape marks delimit files.)  Upon successful completion of the command, the tape is physi-
		      cally positioned at the beginning of the specified number of tape marks.	Note that, due to the difference in the side of  a
		      tape  mark  that	a  reposition command leaves the tape positioned, the MTFSF and MTBSF commands are not strictly reciprocal
		      operations.  For example, if a tape is initially positioned at the bottom of tape (BOT) and the command MTFSF  1	is  issued
		      followed	by  the command MTBSF 1, the tape does not return to the BOT position.	Instead, the tape is positioned on the BOT
		      side of the first tape mark.

	    MTFSR     Repositions forward the number of records specified in the mt_count field.  This command returns a failure if a tape mark is
		      encountered.   This  error condition indicates that there were not as many records remaining in the file as specified by the
		      mt_count parameter.

	    MTBSR     Repositions backward the number of records specified in the mt_count field.  This command returns a failure if a	tape  mark
		      is  encountered.	 This  error  condition indicates that there were not as many records between the present position and the
		      beginning of the file as specified in the mt_count parameter.

	    MTREW     Rewinds the tape.  This command repositions to the beginning of the tape.

	    MTOFFL    Rewinds and unloads the tape.

	    MTNOP     Does not perform any tape operation.  Always returns success from a tape file.

	    MTCACHE   Enables the use of controller-based write-back caching.  Some tape controllers support caching as a performance enhancement.
		      Caching  can  speed  up  tape transfer operations by keeping the unit streaming more effectively.  When using cached mode of
		      operation, the MTFLUSH command should be used to flush cached data to media.   See  the  description  of	MTFLUSH  for  more

	    MTNOCACHE Disables use of the controller's write-back cache.  This mode of operation can result in performance degradation over cached

	    MTCSE     Clears serious exception.  Certain operations cause the tape unit to go into a serious exception state.  An example of  this
		      is  when	the  physical  end-of-media  foil  is encountered.  Typically, when a tape is in serious exception state, all data
		      transfer operations fail.  In order to acknowledge this exception condition and to allow further operations to proceed, this
		      command is provided.

	    MTFLUSH   Flushes  the  controller's  write-back  cache.  This command is intended to be used in conjunction with the MTCACHE command.
		      When caching has been enabled using the MTCACHE command, writes to the tape will receive completion status when the data has
		      been  transferred  to the controller's write-back cache.	In the unlikely event of controller error, it is possible that the
		      data will not be transferred to the physical media.  To insure data integrity, the MTFLUSH command is provided  to  force  a
		      flush of the cache to physical media.  Failure of this command with errno set to ENXIO means that the drive does not support
		      the flush command.  Failure with errno set to EIO indicates that the cache flush has failed.  In this case, the  application
		      should retry writing records that have been written since the last successful MTFLUSH command.

	    MTRETEN   Retensions the tape.  Retension means moving the tape one complete pass between EOT and BOT.

       The  global  variable  errno  is  set  to ENXIO if the command specified in mt_op is not recognized or not supported by the respective tape

       Each or system call reads or writes the next record on the tape. In the case of the record has the same length as the buffer given.  During
       a  the  record  size is passed back as the number of bytes read, provided it is no greater than the buffer size.  If the record is long, an
       error is returned.  Seeks are ignored. Positioning is done with a tape ioctl call.  When n-buffered I/O is not being used (see a zero  byte
       count  is returned when a tape mark is read, but another read fetches the first record of the next tape file.  When n-buffered I/O is being
       used (see a zero byte count is returned when a tape mark is read, but another read will not fetch the first record of the next  tape  file.
       In  this  situation,  all outstanding read requests return a status of 0.  In order to allow reading to proceed to the next file, the MTCSE
       command must be issued.	When a file open for writing is closed, two end-of-files (EOF) are written. If	a  tape  reaches  the  end-of-tape
       (EOT) marker, the ENOSPC errno value is set.

       Each  or system call causes the file offset associated with the device special file to be incremented.  This file offset is reset to 0 when
       the file is closed.  If a program does an unusually large number or reads and writes to the tape, it is possible to cause the  file  offset
       to  be incremented beyond the maximum allowable value.  When this happens, any further or system calls fail with an error number of EINVAL.
       This situation can only occur if the tape is read or written to several times over, using repositioning commands such as MTREW  to  reposi-
       tion backwards on the tape.  It is recommended that any application which expects to make numerous passes over the tape use the system call
       to reset the file offset to zero, for example, lseek(fd,0,0)

       For SCSI tapes on VAX systems, the maximum tape record length is limited to 16K bytes (K = 1024).

       For SCSI tapes on both VAX and RISC systems, the MTCACHE, MTNOCACHE, and MTFLUSH ioctls are not supported.

       The MTRETEN ioctl is only supported by the SCSI QIC tape drive.

See Also
       lseek(2), mu(4), scsi(4), stc(4), tms(4), ts(4), tu(4), tz(4), MAKEDEV(8)
