apt(1)							      General Commands Manual							    apt(1)

apt - annotation processing tool SYNOPSIS
apt [ -classpath classpath ] [ -sourcepath sourcepath ] [ -d directory ] [ -s directory ] [ -factorypath path ] [ -factory class ] [ -print ] [ -nocompile ] [ -A [ key [ =val ] ] ] [ javac option ] sourcefiles [ @files ] DESCRIPTION
The tool apt, annotation processing tool, includes a set of new reflective APIs and supporting infrastructure to process program annota- tions. The apt reflective APIs provide a build-time, source-based, read-only view of program structure. These reflective APIs are designed to cleanly model the JavaTM programming language's type system after the addition of generics. First, apt runs annotation processors that can produce new source code and other files. Next, apt can cause compilation of both original and generated source files, easing develop- ment. The reflective APIs and other APIs used to interact with the tool are subpackages of com.sun.mirror. A fuller discussion of how the tool operates as well as instructions for developing with apt are in Getting Started with apt at http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/apt/GettingStarted.html. PARAMETERS
Options may be in any order. For a discussion of parameters which apply to a specific option, see OPTIONS below. sourcefiles Zero or more source files to be processed. @files One or more files that list source files or other options. OPTIONS
apt specific options -s dir Specify the directory root under which processor-generated source files will be placed; files are placed in subdirectories based on package namespace. -nocompile Do not compile sources files to class files. -print Print out textual representation of specified types; perform no annotation processing or compilation. -A[key[=val]] Options to pass to annotation processors -- these are not interpreted by apt directly, but are made available for use by individual processors -factorypath path Specify where to find annotation processor factories; if this option is used, the classpath is not searched for factories. -factory classname Name of annotation processor factory to use; bypasses default discovery process Options shared with javac -d dir Specify where to place processor and javac generated class files -cp path or -classpath path Specify where to find user class files and annotation processor factories. If -factorypath is given, the classpath is not searched for factories. Consult the javac(1) man page for information on javac options. NOTES
The apt tool and its associated APIs may be changed or superseded in future j2se releases. SEE ALSO
javac(1) java(1) 13 June 2004 apt(1)