XStoreNamedColor()														XStoreNamedColor()

  XStoreNamedColor - set RGB values of a read/write colorcell by color name.

  XStoreNamedColor(display, colormap, color, pixel, flags)
	Display *display;
	Colormap colormap;
	char *color;
	unsigned long pixel;
	int flags;

  display  Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay().

	   Specifies the colormap.

  color    Specifies the color name string (for example, "red").  This cannot be in hex format (as used in XParseColor()).  Uppercase or low-
	   ercase is not important.  The string should be in ISO LATIN-1 encoding, which means that the first 128 character codes are  ASCII,
	   and the second 128 character codes are for special characters needed in western languages other than English.

  pixel    Specifies the entry in the colormap to store color in.

  flags    Specifies which red, green, and blue indexes are set.

  XStoreNamedColor() looks up the named color in the database, with respect to the screen associated with colormap, then stores the result in
  the read/write colorcell of colormap specified by pixel.  If the color name is not in the Host Portable Character Encoding, the  result  is
  implementation-dependent.   Uppercase  or  lowercase	in  name  does	not matter.  The flags argument, a bitwise OR of the constants DoRed,
  DoGreen, and DoBlue, determines which subfields within the pixel value in the cell are written.

  For more information, see Volume One, Chapter 7, Color.

  BadAccess pixel is unallocated or read-only.

  BadColor  Invalid colormap.

  BadName   color is not in server's color database.

  BadValue  pixel is not a valid index into colormap.

See Also
  XDefaultColormap(),  XDisplayCells(),  XCopyColormapAndFree(),  XCreateColormap(),  XFreeColormap(),	XGetStandardColormap(),  XInstallCol-
  ormap(), XListInstalledColormaps(), XSetStandardColormap(), XSetWindowColormap(), XUninstallColormap().

Xlib - Window Manager Hints													XStoreNamedColor()