EVENT2VRULE(1)						      General Commands Manual						    EVENT2VRULE(1)

event2vrule - adds 'events' to rrdtool graphs SYNOPSIS
event2vrule <params> DESCRIPTION
Adding Events to Graphs There is a new graphing feature which allows you to specify events that should be displayed in your graphs. These events are simply a list of points in time at which something of interest occurred. For instance, one could create a plain text file in the graphs directory called events.txt containing these lines: 2001/02/10 1538 added support for events to FlowScan graphs 2001/02/12 1601 allowed the events file to be named on make command line Then to generate the graphs with those events included one might run: $ make -f graphs.mf events=events.txt This feature was implemented using a new script called event2vrule that is supplied with FlowScan. This script is meant to be used as a ``wrapper'' for running rrdtool(1), similarly to how one might run nohup(1). E.g.: $ event2vrule -h 48 events.txt rrdtool graph -s -48h ... That command will cause these VRULE arguments to be passed to rrdtool, at the end of the argument list: COMMENT: VRULE:981841080#ff0000:2001/02/10 1538 added support for events to FlowScan graphs COMMENT: VRULE:982015260#ff0000:2001/02/12 1601 allowed the events file to be named on make command line COMMENT: SEE ALSO
add_ds.pl(1), add_txrx(1), flowscan(1), ip2hostname(1), locker(1) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Anibal Monsalve Salazar, for the Debian Project. EVENT2VRULE(1)