shexp(1)						      General Commands Manual							  shexp(1)

       shexp - display password expiration information for a user

       shexp [-q] [username]

       The command is used to display a user's password expiration information.  The specified username, or logname if no username is supplied, is
       converted to a UID by searching through the passwd file.  The UID is then used to look up the user's entry in  the  Auth  Data  Base.   The
       password expiration information is then printed out in format.
       % shexp
       Expires Tue Dec	6 10:49:18 EST 1988
       If  the	password  has  already expired the word Expires will be replaced with the word Expired. If password expiration is disabled for the
       particular user in question the output of will be Never expires.

       -q   Instead of displaying the expiration date and time in format, outputs it as three decimal numbers: the minimum password lifetime,  the
	    maximum password lifetime, and the password modification time.  All three numbers are displayed as they are found in the database.

       Only the super-user may obtain information about users with UIDs other than the real UID of the invoking process.

       User not found in passwd data base.
       There is no entry in for the specified username.

       Cannot stat auth file.
       The database is missing (security features may not be enabled).

       Insufficient privilege.
       An insufficiently privileged user is asking for information about a username with a UID different then their current real-UID.

       An exit value of 0 indicates a successful operation, any other exit status indicates an error.

See Also
       passwd(1), getauthuid(3), auth(5)
       Security Guide for Users
