NumberFormatter::parseCurrency - Parse a currency number

	Object oriented style

public float NumberFormatter::parseCurrency (string $value, string &$currency, [int &$position]) DESCRIPTION
Procedural style float numfmt_parse_currency (NumberFormatter $fmt, string $value, string &$currency, [int &$position]) Parse a string into a double and a currency using the current formatter. PARAMETERS
o $fmt -NumberFormatter object. o $currency - Parameter to receive the currency name (3-letter ISO 4217 currency code). o $position - Offset in the string at which to begin parsing. On return, this value will hold the offset at which parsing ended. RETURN VALUES
The parsed numeric value or FALSE on error. EXAMPLES
Example #1 numfmt_parse_currency(3) example <?php $fmt = numfmt_create( 'de_DE', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY ); $num = "1.234.567,89xc2xa0$"; echo "We have ".numfmt_parse_currency($fmt, $num, $curr)." in $curr "; ?> Example #2 OO example <?php $fmt = new NumberFormatter( 'de_DE', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY ); $num = "1.234.567,89xc2xa0$"; echo "We have ".$fmt->parseCurrency($num, $curr)." in $curr "; ?> The above example will output: We have 1234567.89 in USD SEE ALSO
numfmt_get_error_code(3), numfmt_parse(3), numfmt_format_currency(3). PHP Documentation Group NUMFMT_PARSE_CURRENCY(3)