XRemoveHost()															     XRemoveHost()

  XRemoveHost - remove a host from the access control list.

  XRemoveHost(display, host)
	Display *display;
	XHostAddress *host;

  display   Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay().

  host	    Specifies the network address of the machine to be removed.

  XRemoveHost()  removes the specified host from the access control list of the connected server.  The server must be on the same host as the
  process that calls XRemoveHost() in order to change the access control list.

  If you remove your own machine from the access control list, you can no longer connect to that server, and there is no way back  from  this
  call	other  than to log out, edit the access control file, and reset the server.  The address data must be a valid address for the type of
  network in which the server operates, as specified in the family member.

  For TCP/IP, the address should be in network byte order.  For the DECnet family, the server performs no automatic swapping on  the  address
  bytes.   A  Phase  IV  address is two bytes long.  The first byte contains the least significant eight bits of the node number.  The second
  byte contains the most significant two bits of the node number in the least significant two bits of the byte, and the area in the most sig-
  nificant six bits of the byte.

  For more information on access control lists, see Volume One, Chapter 15, Other Programming Techniques.

     typedef struct {
	 int family;	    /* for example Family Internet */
	 int length;	    /* length of address, in bytes */
	 char *address;     /* pointer to where to find the bytes */
     } XHostAddress;

     /* constants used for family member of XHostAddress */
     #define FamilyInternet	 0
     #define FamilyDECnet	 1
     #define FamilyChaos	 2


See Also
  XAddHost(), XAddHosts(), XDisableAccessControl(), XEnableAccessControl(), XListHosts(), XRemoveHosts(), XSetAccessControl().

Xlib - Host Access														     XRemoveHost()