VxVM filesystem resize

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Operating Systems Solaris VxVM filesystem resize
# 1  
Old 01-14-2008
VxVM filesystem resize

This is actually a VxVM question. I have a volume/filesystem spread over 4*146G disks. Now I want to shrink the filesystem - which I can do using vxresize. However, I want to shrink so that two of the four disks that the filesystem occupies are removed from the volume. Can I do that?
# 2  
Old 01-14-2008
Yes, you can.

Assuming disks called disk1, disk2, disk3, disk4, volume "vol" and diskgroup "mydg" , and that you want to free disks 3 and 4.

vxassist -g mydg move vol disk1 disk2 \!disk3 \!disk4

# 3  
Old 01-14-2008
So I should run vxresize to resize the filesystem to, say, 200G and then run vxassist? I just want to know exactly what I am going to have to do, because there is a netbackup master server running on that filesystem and obviously we do not want any data loss...
# 4  
Old 01-15-2008
Yes, that's exactly it.

Do the resize to make sure you are under the capacity of two of the four disks, then the vxassist. I have had to do this recently when someone decided to grow a volume on a systems where the second plex in a mirror was detached and disassociated and a someone else decided to grow the volume and allocated all of the disks is the diskgroup as available. As a result an additional subdisks were allocated on on of the disks that should only have been assigned to the mirror plex.

I'll see if I have a machine handy and I'll a screen dump of this scenario, and the exact sequence.
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