Restart/Shutdown the Solaris from SC>

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Operating Systems Solaris Restart/Shutdown the Solaris from SC>
# 1  
Old 12-19-2007
Restart/Shutdown the Solaris from SC>

Hi Experts,

I am running solris 9. Sun-Fire 880.

How do i shutdowon the whole server using ALOM i.e sc> console.

If the server is down or somehow hang How do i Restart from sc>

# 2  
Old 12-19-2007
shutdown - log onto box as root and execute "shutdown -y -i 5 -g 1"

my E250's RSC supports "poweron"
# 3  
Old 12-19-2007
Originally Posted by thepurple
Hi Experts,

I am running solris 9. Sun-Fire 880.

How do i shutdowon the whole server using ALOM i.e sc> console.

If the server is down or somehow hang How do i Restart from sc>

the 880 has no alom! there is only an rsc card.
# 4  
Old 12-20-2007

Originally Posted by DukeNuke2
the 880 has no alom! there is only an rsc card.
I tried to login through Hyperterminal. But could not. As there is no sc> in 880, is that why i could not able to login throuh hyper. ??

what should be the proper way to login??

# 5  
Old 12-20-2007

Use can use the sc>poweron , sc>poweroff and sc>reset

# 6  
Old 12-20-2007
Once you have powered on, then try "console" to switch to viewing the real machines serial port.

Other alternatives include "help" and getting some relevant PDFs from Sun Microsystems.
# 7  
Old 12-21-2007
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