OPEN ssh with PAM &RSA

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Operating Systems Solaris OPEN ssh with PAM &RSA
# 1  
Old 11-02-2007
OPEN ssh with PAM &RSA

We have tested successfully OPENssh with RSA & PAM, now we have to implement this in all of our environment. In order to do this we want to integrate all the OPEN ssh packages and RSA software into one package and then just do a pkgadd of the created package and it should take care of everthing. My concern is OPEN ssh needs 5 more packages gcc-3.4.6, libiconv-1.11, openssh-4.7p1, openssl-0.9.8e, zlib-1.2.3. installed, so it would be a pain in manually adding these packages on all of our servers. So I want to know is there any single software package which includes all of the above mentioned packages and should also include RSA 6.0 software in it. This would be very much helpfull, if anyone can provide me any related information.
# 2  
Old 11-02-2007
Both Solaris 9 and 10 already contain ssh. I certainly would not want to have to install a compiler just in order to install openssh.

The instructions according to Freeware for Solaris say libgcc-3.4.6 or gcc.3.4.6.

openssh-4.7p1-sol10-sparc-local.gz Openssh is an open source version of the SSH secure shell system - installs in /usr/local. PAM support is included and requires its own configuration. Openssh also requires the installation of the packages openssl-0.9.8f (do not use the older openssl packages), zlib, libgcc-3.4.6 or gcc-3.4.6, and optionally the tcp_wrappers package. You MUST read the OpenSSH installation page for installation details and helpful web sites.
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