Tar and moving directories

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Operating Systems Solaris Tar and moving directories
# 1  
Old 10-18-2007
Tar and moving directories

I'm redoing my file system partitions on a Sunblade 100. The system came with a 999mb root and slice 6 with 35GB. I redid the file system by creating separate /opt1, /usr1, /var1, and a /data on different partitions (slice 3, 4, 5 and 7). I need a command to tar my opt, var, opt, usr that's under root and untar on the fly to each of the new partitions. My root is sitting at 80% and creating the tar directory on root is filling up root. I'll rename the new partitions after the transfer is done.

# 2  
Old 11-11-2007
(sh/ksh/bash etc)
for dir in opt usr var
  echo "${dir}"
  cd /${dir}
  tar -cf - . | (cd /${dir}1 ; tar -xf -)

# 3  
Old 11-13-2007
I'll try it this evening at home.

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