9 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Programming
Me trying some C.. cout in specific, thats what i remembered:
#include <stdio.h>
// -- Just the above or with all the below ones, no change
#include <stdio_ext.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wchar.h>
//#include <iostream> // I assume its the same anyway?
//#include <iostream.h>... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: sea
2 Replies
2. Red Hat
I am trying to install VirtualBox on RHEL 5 but I need the 32 bit version for 32 bit Windows. When I run yum I get the following:
sudo yum localinstall /auto/spvtg-it/spvss-migration/Software/VirtualBox-4.3-4.3.2_90405_el6-1.i686.rpm
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Setting up Local Package... (13 Replies)
Discussion started by: gw1500se
13 Replies
3. SuSE
This is a programming question as well as a suse question, so let me know if you think I should post this in programming.
I have an application that I compiled under opensuse 12.2 using g77-3.3/g++3.3. The program compiles and runs just fine. I gave the application to a colleague who... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: LMHmedchem
2 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have a file that should cover a days worth of stats, at the beginning of each 15 minute report I have a unique header that looks like the below example. The "0000" and "0015" will change in the header line to show which 15 Minute interval the report is covering and of course from day to day the... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: fsanchez
7 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am getting this error while running the following code.
i=`awk '{print $2}' test1.txt`
j=`awk '{print $4}' test1.txt`
k=`awk '{print $6}' test1.txt`
if ; then
echo "Up."
echo "down"
rm -f test.txt test1.txt
error is this:
line 12: '
Please suggest. (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: arijitsaha
2 Replies
6. Linux
I am trying migrate webmin application from solaris to linux. But that is not working in Linux. because the library librpcsoc.so has missed in Linux box..
Could you please advice me that how to resolve this issue and also that how to install that library as well. (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Mani_apr08
1 Replies
7. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
My tcsh window doesn't have a scrollbar, so I don't get a lot of history! Can you help to get scrollbar?
Thanks (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: parisa_3456
3 Replies
8. Solaris
I have an application which requires libsunmath.so.1, however; my os version seems to be missing this file (find from root level did not return anything).
Version: SunOS 5.10
where can I get this file?
thanks, (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: orahi001
1 Replies
9. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have the following portion of a script
echo "\n\nChecking that all constraints are Enabled"
echo "..."
sleep 2
CHECK_COUNT='sqlplus -s $1 <<-EOSQL4
set feed off pause off pages 0 head off;
set linesize 150 echo off;
select count(*) from user_constraints where... (4 Replies)
Discussion started by: Zelp
4 Replies
systemd-machine-id-setup - Initialize the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
systemd-machine-id-setup may be used by system installer tools to initialize the machine ID stored in /etc/machine-id at install time, with
a provisioned or randomly generated ID. See machine-id(5) for more information about this file.
If the tool is invoked without the --commit switch, /etc/machine-id is initialized with a valid, new machined ID if it is missing or empty.
The new machine ID will be acquired in the following fashion:
1. If a valid D-Bus machine ID is already configured for the system, the D-Bus machine ID is copied and used to initialize the machine ID
in /etc/machine-id.
2. If run inside a KVM virtual machine and a UUID is configured (via the -uuid option), this UUID is used to initialize the machine ID.
The caller must ensure that the UUID passed is sufficiently unique and is different for every booted instance of the VM.
3. Similarly, if run inside a Linux container environment and a UUID is configured for the container, this is used to initialize the
machine ID. For details, see the documentation of the Container Interface[1].
4. Otherwise, a new ID is randomly generated.
The --commit switch may be used to commit a transient machined ID to disk, making it persistent. For details, see below.
Use systemd-firstboot(1) to initialize the machine ID on mounted (but not booted) system images.
The following options are understood:
Takes a directory path as argument. All paths operated will be prefixed with the given alternate root path, including the path for
/etc/machine-id itself.
Commit a transient machine ID to disk. This command may be used to convert a transient machine ID into a persistent one. A transient
machine ID file is one that was bind mounted from a memory file system (usually "tmpfs") to /etc/machine-id during the early phase of
the boot process. This may happen because /etc is initially read-only and was missing a valid machine ID file at that point.
This command will execute no operation if /etc/machine-id is not mounted from a memory file system, or if /etc is read-only. The
command will write the current transient machine ID to disk and unmount the /etc/machine-id mount point in a race-free manner to ensure
that this file is always valid and accessible for other processes.
This command is primarily used by the systemd-machine-id-commit.service(8) early boot service.
Print the machine ID generated or committed after the operation is complete.
-h, --help
Print a short help text and exit.
Print a short version string and exit.
On success, 0 is returned, a non-zero failure code otherwise.
systemd(1), machine-id(5), systemd-machine-id-commit.service(8), dbus-uuidgen(1), systemd-firstboot(1)
1. Container Interface