how to burn a CD/DVD in solaris8 environment

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Operating Systems Solaris how to burn a CD/DVD in solaris8 environment
# 8  
Old 09-18-2007
Originally Posted by porter
Normally you use pkg_add on Solaris to install a set of files from sunfreeware.

You want to make a bootable CD/DVD? Do you know about Jumpstart?
hello, porter
thanks for u great support!
but due to i am so weak for install the package.
when i use the pkgadd install the package. there is some error information display.
# pkgadd -d cdrtools-2.00.3.tar.gz
pkgadd: ERROR: attempt to process datastream failed
- bad format in datastream table-of-contents
pkgadd: ERROR: could not process datastream from </home/omc/cdrtools-2.00.3.tar.gz>
but when i change the commad to
# pkgadd -d .cdrtools-2.00.3.tar.gz
pkgadd: ERROR: attempt to process datastream failed
- open of <.cdrtools-2.00.3.tar.gz> failed, errno=2
pkgadd: ERROR: could not process datastream from <.cdrtools-2.00.3.tar.gz>

if u free can u help me check and give a advice?
# 9  
Old 09-18-2007
gunzip and untar the cdrtools package as you have done and you should see a directory structure

pkg_add -d nameofthatdirectory
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