Using bmake was the key. Ran into some few errors when using the compilers and the trick here was to first install the pkg system/header and then assign the working compiler in command line like this:
Hello! My name is Peter and I am new to this forum. I mainly operate with FreeBSD since a year back and is always growing my knowledge towards Unix.
I have an HP Laptop I decided to put SunOS 5.11 Openindiana Hipster on and it is working very well. I have put some time and effort into configuring Xorg and I got it running quite well at one occasion (most out of luck). So now I am reconfiguring it to get it working in a stable way.
I have tried two methods of doing this and one is to compile the xf86-video-ati driver for my video card (disabling kms) and I get this error message from gmake:
(Actual path: /usr/pkgsrc/mk/
And an easy tabcompletion as well as ls ../../mk outputs the file in question, so it seems to exist by all means. The only thing I can think of is if it's a symlink pointing to a place where the doesn't exist. The name itself says that it could be BSD-specific, though pkgsrc is cross platform so I hold to account that most necessary files will be given.
Also I had the same problem with Xorg not finding another existing file even though it was in the correct directory after install.
If not can be used on SunOS 5.11, what file can be used in its place for gmake?
The other files in the Makefile are included properly and I attach the Makefile to this thread. I have tried retyping line which gives the error to nullify hidden characters but still no avail.
Addition: If my memory doesn't fail I read that the pkg for the driver is compiled against a BSD system and is then available to other platforms through pkgin to a repo. In that case I could compile it on my BSD and make a pkg out of it. But it could be more steps than necessary doing that.
Update: Searching for compiling on Solaris I found the use of bmake instead of gmake. Still running into some errors but these should be easily stepped through.
Namely these two sites: (Under: Build From Source)
//Sorry for this, having the 5 post regulation as new user
Also the Makefile is reconfigured to be used with bmake, putting .include instead of include.
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1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
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