Need command to parse data

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Operating Systems Solaris Need command to parse data
# 8  
Old 10-24-2013
Hi Jagaat,

Could you please try following code now.

awk -F" " '{print$1"\n"$2"\n"$3}' data_hudge | awk '
NR==1 || NR==2 {print$0}
NR==3 {print substr($0,296,350)}'

Output will be as follows.


NOTE: file named data_hudge is having data mentioned by you, change it please accordingly.

R. Singh
# 9  
Old 10-24-2013
Its working, but problem is my data file having 3rd column data is of different lenght and substr will not work and only thing common is "_program=" from where i want to to substitution.

Also your output giving in new lines and i need all in single line.

t064266 [24/Oct/2013:10:44:52 %2FUBS%2FStored%20Processes%2FChange%20History%20Report

# 10  
Old 10-24-2013
Done longhand from CygWin bash...
AMIGA:~> text="t064266 [24/Oct/2013:10:44:52 %2FUBS%2FStored%20Processes%2FChange%20History%20Report"
AMIGA:~> ifs_str="$IFS"
AMIGA:~> IFS=" "
AMIGA:~> arr=($text)
AMIGA:~> echo "${arr[2]}"
AMIGA:~> IFS="$ifs_str"
AMIGA:~> _

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