OK, so I'm sorry for firing up this thread again but I'm confused to all hell.
Since I thought this was going to be a walk in the park, I went and also bought a Sun Nextra X1 while I was waiting for my 2 cables to arrive.
I bought the CISCO cable and a Serial-to-USB adapter cable and have them connected like so:
I plug the RJ-45 of the CISCO cable into the
Serial MGT port on my Sun V210.
This is the picture of the port in question:
I also plugged the RJ-45 into the
A LOM and the
B SERIAL ports on the back of my Nextra X1.
Here is the images of those too:
I then use CoolTerm as I was instructed up above to use it to connect to my servers.
This is where I get stuck? I'm only presented with 2 options to connect to a device using CoolTerm as pictured here:
Can someone please point me, with instructions in the right direction of what to do? I'm really stuck now and my only other option is to pay someone to do this for me, but they would require the servers to be on-site and they won't explain to me what they did. I want to understand how this works, and how I do all this.
I plugged the USB cable into the Mac, and it just didn't give me an option to connect to the USB port in CoolTerm. I listed out my /dev directory and it shows up all these connections but I don't know which one I should use.
Can I please get a little bit more information to help me out here. I really want to get these servers up and running so I can start to learn a bit more.
My only other option that I can see at this point is to buy an old computer and spend more money and get Windows XP on it and use the CISCO cable with that and the HyperTerminal app. I don't really want to go down that path. I want to get these two up and running. I want to install Solaris on one, and OpenBSD on the other.
Thank you in advance!