Svc messages flooding the system logs every second
Hi all
I have a newly installed Oracle X2-4 server running Solaris 10 x86 with the latest patches.
I have one non-global zone configured running an Oracle DB instance.
After configuring IPMP failover between two NICs on the server and rebooting I am seeing the /var/adm/messages being flooded every second with the following output:
svcs -xv returns a blank output.
I've tried disabling those services but to no avail. I've also rebooted the server.
I am not seeing any negative impact in terms of server functionality. The IPMP failover works fine, the zone is running perfectly as well.
Any help in resolving this would be highly appreciated.
Last edited by notreallyhere; 11-27-2012 at 08:07 AM..
Reason: typos
This server was one of 7 that I was busy configuring with IPMP failover. I've used the same procedure as on the other servers and this is the only one that is giving me this issue.
Below are some outputs:
I have also run the if_mpadm command to test failover on both primary and secondary NICs (I do this by default to test IPMP after configuring it) and I have not lost my ssh session and failover works as it should.
Perhaps I have missed something and maybe you can spot it in some of the outputs I've posted.
It is crazy when you just entered a command example sudo or su or even ps. It will flood your /var/log/messages. Please see duplicate entries except for the pid. At 1 specific time.
$ cat b
Jan 13 17:09:05 SERVER1 bash: user1 as root:
Jan 13 17:09:05 SERVER1 bash: user1 as root:
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ifconfig: plumb: SIOCLIFADDIF: eg000g0:2: no such interface
# ifconfig eg1000g0:2 plumb
ifconfig: plumb: SIOCLIFADDIF: eg1000g0:2: no such interface
# ifconfig... (2 Replies)
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shell>svcadm enable svc:/system/filesystem/local
shell>svcs -l svc:/system/filesystem/local
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Dear Gurus
I am running AIX with several users that are using the system, i would like to monitor the commands that are run by these users. Is there a log system that records the commands that are executed by the users???
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
Masquerder (6 Replies)
hi, i have got a
i wnat to logon as sms-svc on to the controller to check what's happening
can you please guide me how do i login as sms-svc on the controller and check
thank you (1 Reply)