Ok I a n00b, not gunna hide it so here goes -
Sun Solaris, V.10 i386 - during the setup, I can choose a screen resolution that looks great with 65k colors and all. However, when all is said and done 4 disks and a reboot later, I get hanious 640x480 @ 256 only.
If I choose the Sun Java Desktop System, I get at least 65k but again only at 640x480. If I go into display, I can't choose a different size or refresh rate.. it seems to be the only choice.
I love that desktop, seems to be better than even most other Linux desktops out there, but I have to get the screen fixed if Im going to keep it.
PLease Please, I need need extreme n00b answers on how to adjust this. I've already tried messing around (probably incorrectly) with the xorgconfig, but it didn't even launch (did know how?).