Solaris 11 - a retired device

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Operating Systems Solaris Solaris 11 - a retired device
# 1  
Old 09-30-2011
Solaris 11 - a retired device

I have installed Solaris 11 Express on my machine. When I boot the system I see a "one or more devices have been retired" message. All connected hard discs should be alright (all zpools are online according to the status messages).

What exactly does that message mean and how do I find out which device has been retired?

Thanks in advice for your answers,
# 2  
Old 09-30-2011
looks like you have a faulty device.

try a:

prtconf | more

or search through and see if you can find any issues with your disks and/or tape drives.
# 3  
Old 09-30-2011
Thank you Tommyk.

I found some lines containing retired in the output of the prtconf utility. I do not understand them however.

The important lines are (at least I hope so) these:

pci, instance #0
   pci1458,5000 (driver not attached)
   pci8086,3408 (retired)
       pci-ide (retired)
            ide (retired)
            ide (retired)

How to find out what devices do those lines relate to?
# 4  
Old 09-30-2011

fmadm faulty

It might bring more details about the issue. but that message indicates hardware that had too many errors while booting and the system disabled the device to prevent any future errors occuring due to it. Most likely a NIC PCI device.
# 5  
Old 10-01-2011
I tried the
fmadm faulty

command but was not able to deduce the actual device from its output. I include the output below - would you be able to recognize the faulty device based on the information?

Thank you

--------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
TIME            EVENT-ID                              MSG-ID         SEVERITY
--------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
Jul 06 11:31:07 6c7d5714-f4e9-ee90-ea2e-fe9cb600e069  PCIEX-8000-G2  Major

Host        : nas1
Platform    : X58A-UD5  Chassis_id  :
Product_sn  :

Fault class : max 33%
Affects     : dev:////pci@0,0/pci8086,3408/pci-ide@0
                  faulted and taken out of service
FRU         : "MB" (hc://:product-id=X58A-UD5:server-id=nas1/motherboard=0) max 33%

Description : A problem has been detected on one of the specified devices or on
              one of the specified connecting buses.
              Refer to for more information.

Response    : One or more device instances may be disabled

Impact      : Loss of services provided by the device instances associated with
              this fault

Action      : Ensure that the latest drivers and patches are installed.
              Otherwise schedule a repair procedure to replace the affected
              device(s).  Use fmadm faulty to identify the devices or contact
              Sun for support.

# 6  
Old 10-01-2011
Solaris 11 does not like something about your Gigabyte motherboard. Looking at the PCI device ID, the problem device would appear to be a Intel 7500 Chipset PCIe Root Port.

See Oracle Solaris OS: Hardware Compatibility Lists
# 7  
Old 10-01-2011
Thanks for your answer fpmurphy.

I checked out the Solaris HCL - x86 Device List and did not find the 8086,3408 PCI ID there. Does that mean that the Intel 7500 Chipset PCIe Root Port is not supported by Solaris 11 and there is no way to make the device work?

Or is there a way I can fix this and how?

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