Upgrade Solaris 10 Release

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Operating Systems Solaris Upgrade Solaris 10 Release
# 8  
Old 09-24-2011
Does anyone know of the answer on how to upgrade the release without having to boot with DVD? I only have an option of jumpstart, or copying the necessary files over to the server.

I appreciate a lot of the answers I've received, but none of them really answer my original question.

# 9  
Old 09-24-2011
jumstart and DVD booting is the same... there is no difference in doing:
ok boot cdrom

ok boot net

# 10  
Old 09-24-2011
Thanks. I figured I was probably over-thinking this. So just a regular "boot net" instead of a "boot net - install", and follow the menus to upgrade, right?

Thanks again!
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