Do I need a pool before I can mirror my disks?

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Operating Systems Solaris Do I need a pool before I can mirror my disks?
# 8  
Old 09-18-2011
Oh I see..
I am using ZFS. But how can I see the local files that have been mirrored? Is there any command that I can use?
# 9  
Old 09-18-2011
You can check output of:
zpool list
zfs list

You will get list of all the zpools and ZFS filesystems on your system. If everything is contained on rpool, then the files are being mirrored. You can also post output of

to verify that you don't have filesystems other than ZFS mounted.
# 10  
Old 09-18-2011
I want something like this. (See image below)
I used
ls -la /rpool

to see the list of files in the rpool directory.
But that is for rpool only. I need the disk contents.

Is it not possible to see the contents of the mirrored disk and the contents of the disk that serves as the mirror?
Do I need a pool before I can mirror my disks?-solaris12jpg
# 11  
Old 09-18-2011
I think you are missing some understanding of ZFS... Can you post zfs listand mountoutput? I'll try to explain you filesystem configuration then.
# 12  
Old 09-18-2011
Yeah, I think so. hehe.

Sorry I am new to Solaris and I just thought learning this operating system can be helpful in my future.

This is for zfs list.
Do I need a pool before I can mirror my disks?-solaris13jpg
# 13  
Old 09-18-2011
This is for the # mount command.
Do I need a pool before I can mirror my disks?-solaris14jpg
# 14  
Old 09-18-2011
As you can see root filesystem "/" is really a ZFS filesystem "rpool/ROOT/solaris". The same is true for your home directory /export/home/arah, which is ZFS filesystem "rpool/export/home/arah". All the filesystems that are created under rpool are mirrored. In the mount output I don't see any other filesystem types mounted, so you don't have to worry, all the files that you create will be mirrored.
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