I am new to solaris administration. I have scan the new EMC SAN disk. I am able to see the disk when i run the powermt display dev=all command o/p. I want to format the disk and add file system to that disk.
Can have formated the disk. and this the o/p of my format
I want to add this disk to veritas volume manager.
When I run the command vxdisk -o alldgs list
I see my disk listed as online
It is erroring out when I am trying to create a disk group.
I tried to use vxdisksetup -ie emcpower65s2. It saying that unable to find the disk.
it has to be CTDS format
I tried even that it is not working out. Can you please let me know how to clear this error and how to get CTDS values.
saurabh84g thanks for the reply. I am able to see the disk on vxdisk list.
But the thing is When I am trying to initialize the disk using /etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -i emcpower65s2 I am
I am getting error. following error.
bash-3.00# vxdisksetup -i emcpower65s2
VxVM vxdisksetup ERROR V-5-2-2206 emcpower65s2: An invalid device address was specified; it must be of
the form cCtTdD, mcCtTdD or <enclosurename>_<diskno> where
C = host bus adapter controller number
T = target device controller number, if used
D = logical unit (disk) number within target device controller
<enclosurename> is the logical name of the enclosure to which the
disk belongs
<diskno> is the logical number of the disk
Please let me know if I am doing it the right way. I think I am missing the correct disk ip. Please help in finding the correct disk id.
In old versions of VXVm you cannot use emcpower devices with vxdisksetup.
use vxdisk -e list to view the the cXtYdZ name related to emcpower.
For example
bash-2.05# vxdisk -e list
emcpower0 sliced - - error c4t50060E800043BBE0d4s2
emcpower1 sliced - - error c4t50060E800043BBE0d3s2
in this case the emcpower0 is c4t50060E800043BBE0d4s2
This has got to be the system from hell. Once again, on the RP4440 (after the supplier replaced the entire box due to the bad RTC battery), finally have it all reloaded with the packages the developers need. The last thing is to add the secondary disk to the OS.
BCH sees both OS and secondary... (2 Replies)
Hello all,
So I made a rookie mistake today. I forgot to remove my disk from my disk group, before running the following command:for i in `ioscan -fnN | awk /NO/'{print $3}'`
rmsf -H $i
I am trying to run the following command, but not having any luck obviously:vxdg -g dgvol1 rmdisk... (0 Replies)
Would some help me on this below
I am trying to extend file system on AIX and however unable to extend the file system.
0516-306 extendvg: Unable to find physical volume 20 in the Device
Configuration Database.
0516-321 extendvg: Physical volume u01-lv is not configured.
0516-792... (15 Replies)
I have installed Solaris 10 in VMware. Whenever I am trying to add new group using the command '/usr/sbin/groupadd/oinstall' while logged in as root , it is showing as '/usr/sbin/groupadd/oinstall can not execute'.
It will be great to hear any inputs/advice here. (4 Replies)
We want to deactivate a VG but failed, because one of the LVs created there is busy. When we are trying to unmount the LV, it is telling "not mounted" and if I execute mount command it will be informing us "already mounted". dmsetup info is indicating "Open Count = 1".
Please help me, how we... (5 Replies)
Hi All
I do have a file like this with 6 columns. Groups of data merge together and the group number is indicated above each group.
1 12 26 289 3.2e-027 GCGTATGGCGGC
2 12 26 215 6.7e+006 TTCCACCTTTTG
3 9 26 175 ... (1 Reply)
I have a file in the following format. Groups of data merge together and the group number is indicated above each group.
fgr (3 Replies)
Previously , i remove the disk by
#vxdg -g testdg -k rmdisk testdg02
But i got error when i -k adddisk
bash-2.03# vxdisk list
c0t0d0s2 auto:none - - online invalid
c0t1d0s2 auto:none ... (1 Reply)
I'm trying to create a new group on an AIX server but am getting the following error:
root:/root $ mkgroup debt
3004-698 Error committing changes to "debt" : Value is invalid.
I've change the group name to no affect.
Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this?
... (0 Replies)