Connect to SunOS CDE from another CDE

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Operating Systems Solaris Connect to SunOS CDE from another CDE
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Old 06-13-2011
Connect to SunOS CDE from another CDE

I have two CDE desktop accounts on different server (called this CDE#1, CDE#2) on the same network.

However, my current setup is connecting to the Solaris CDE#1,CDE#2 via Citrix.

My plan is to connect to CD#1 and then somehow connect to CDE#2.

How do I do this? I am just a regular user with account to CDE#1 and CDE#2 with no admin access.
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dtfilsys(file formats)													    dtfilsys(file formats)

dtfilsys -- CDE file system; directory tree structure DESCRIPTION
The CDE file system is divided into three parts: the root system, /usr/dt, the configuration directory, /etc/dt, and the temporary direc- tory, /var/dt. The root system, /usr/dt, is a read-only directory. It contains all the files that comprise the CDE. The configuration directory, /etc/dt, is the directory CDE applications will search to locate configuration files that have been modified by the system administrator. Default versions of these configuration files are typically located in /usr/dt. The temporary directory, /var/dt, contains temporary information or information that varies in size and existence. Below is a diagram of the directory tree structure for CDE. /etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager/<Lang> /help/<Lang> /icons/<Lang> /types/<Lang> /backdrops/<Lang> /config /palettes/<Lang> /usr/dt/app-defaults/<Lang> /appconfig/appmanager/<Lang> /help/<Lang> /icons/<Lang> /types/<Lang> /bin /config /lib /share/backdrops/<Lang> /include /examples /man /palettes/<Lang> /var/dt/appconfig/appmanager $HOME/.dt/appmanager /help /icons /palettes /sessions /types The following guidelines apply to the contents of these directories: /usr/dt This directory is for use by the CDE system. Applications should never create files in this directory although they may read and execute them. /usr/dt/app-defaults/<Lang> This directory contains the localized versions of the app-defaults files for the CDE clients. /usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager/<Lang> This directory contains the localized versions of the actions files used by the Application Manager. /usr/dt/appconfig/help/<Lang> This directory contains the localized versions of the CDE help volumes and help files. /usr/dt/appconfig/icons/<Lang> This directory contains the localized versions of the icons used by the CDE clients. /usr/dt/appconfig/types/<Lang> This directory contains the localized versions of the actions and data types used by the CDE clients. /usr/dt/bin This directory contains the CDE clients. /usr/dt/config This directory contains default configuration files. /usr/dt/lib This directory contains the shared libraries used by the CDE clients. /usr/dt/share This directory contains CDE elements, typically ASCII files, that are independent of the architecture. /usr/dt/share/backdrops/<Lang> This directory contains the localized versions of the backdrops used by the window manager workspaces and by the Style Manager. /usr/dt/share/examples This directory contains examples of CDE functionality. /usr/dt/share/include This directory is part of the developmewnt environment and includes header files associated with CDE. /usr/dt/share/man This directory contains the man pages for the CDE clients. /usr/dt/share/palettes/<Lang> This directory contains the localized versions of the palettes used by the Style Manager to determine the color scheme. /etc/dt This directory is specified as the CDE configuration directory. /etc/dt/appconfig This directory is used to hold system-administrator defined configuration files /etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager/<Lang> This directory is used to hold system-administrator defined configuration files for the Application Manager. /etc/dt/appconfig/help/<Lang> This directory is used to hold system-administrator defined configuration files for the Help system. /etc/dt/appconfig/icons/<Lang> This directory is used to hold system-administrator defined configuration files for icons. /etc/dt/appconfig/types/<Lang> This directory is used to hold system-administrator defined configuration files for the action and filetype database. /etc/dt/backdrops/<Lang> This directory contains backdrops provided by the system administrator. /etc/dt/config This directory is to contain modified versions of the CDE configuration files (installed in /usr/dt/config). /etc/dt/palettes/<Lang> This directory contains palettes provided by the system administrator. /var/dt This directory is used by CDE for some log files, temporary files, and files that vary in size. /var/dt/appconfig/appmanager This directory is created at login and is used by the Application Manager. $HOME/.dt This directory contains information specific to the user. $HOME/.dt/appmanager This directory is used to hold user-defined configuration files for the Application Manager. $HOME/.dt/backdrops This directory is used to hold user-customized backdrops for the Style Manager. $HOME/.dt/help This directory is used to hold user-defined configuration files for the Help system. $HOME/.dt/icons This directory is used to hold user-defined configuration files for icons. $HOME/.dt/palettes This directory is used to hold user-customized palettes for the Style Manager. $HOME/.dt/sessions This directory is used to store session information between CDE sessions. $HOME/.dt/tmp This directory is used to hold temporary information. $HOME/.dt/types This directory is used to hold user-defined configuration files for the action and filetypes database. The Minimum Runtime Environment The minimum environment required for a system to support CDE consists of the following files and directories: /usr/dt/app-defaults/C/ tpad Dtksh Dtterm /usr/dt/appconfig/tttypes/ types.xdr /usr/dt/bin/ dsdm dtaction dtappgather dtappintegrate dtexec dtksh dtpad dtspcd dtterm suid_exec rpc.ttdbserver tt_type_comp ttsession SEE ALSO
dtenvvar(5) dtfilsys(file formats)