The Big Faceless PDF Library is a Java classlibrary for creating PDF documents. The ExtendedEdition offers the ability to create and editAcroForms, PDF's answer to the HTML form. LikeHTML forms, PDF forms can contain text boxes,radio buttons, and can call JavaScript functions.The Extended Edition also includes a PDF readerfor importing and editing, along with FDF support,verification for digital signatures and textextraction. Both variations offer full Unicodesupport, encryption, embedded TrueType and Type1 fonts, barcodes, hyperlinks, and spot and calibratedcolor.
License: Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial
This version fixes an issue with IBM versions ofJava that was introduced in the previous release.A change of obfuscator clashed with a bug in somereleases of the JRE supplied with Websphere. Thereare fixes for customers reading and writing PDFsto the same File. A memory leak in the Viewer hasbeen fixed. A number of other bugs have beenfixed, including a Swing screen corruption issuethat sometimes occurred on Windows.