rtorstat is a simple Web page generator that showsstatus information about the rTorrent bittorrentclient. This makes it possible to quickly have anoverview of your torrent list from a remotelocation without having to log into the remotemachine that actually runs rTorrent. It can be runthrough cron or as a CGI script.
License: The Apache License 2.0
The license was changed to the Apache Licenseversion 2. The web page layout was improved withthe addition of progress indicators. When openingthe session files under Windows or through SAMBA,an exception was thrown. Information about thenumber of peers of each torrent was added. Theability to be used as a CGI script was added. Thebencode.py file from the mainline Bittorrentdistribution is now included. The date and time inthe "last update" notice are set to the time thesession files have been saved.