JOTWiki 0.1.3 (Default branch)

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Old 03-06-2008
JOTWiki 0.1.3 (Default branch)

ImageJOTWiki is a full featured wiki engine, whichallows you to create, edit, and link Web pageseasily without having to learn a difficultlanguage like HTML. It features no dependenciesother than a J2EE engine, multiple namespaces(allowing you to have multiple "sites"), easyadministration, template support, a built-indatabase, saving of pages in plain text, and fullsupport for profiles, users, and permissions.License: Free for non-commercial useChanges:
A bugfix for Windows installation. The installer now deals with Java policies so it will work on Debian. There is a fix in the Unix/Linux installer launch script. Support has been added for internal links: (page#anchor) or (#anchor).Image

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HTML::WikiConverter::MediaWiki(3pm)			User Contributed Perl Documentation		       HTML::WikiConverter::MediaWiki(3pm)

HTML::WikiConverter::MediaWiki - Convert HTML to MediaWiki markup SYNOPSIS
use HTML::WikiConverter; my $wc = new HTML::WikiConverter( dialect => 'MediaWiki' ); print $wc->html2wiki( $html ); DESCRIPTION
This module contains rules for converting HTML into MediaWiki markup. See HTML::WikiConverter for additional usage details. ATTRIBUTES
In addition to the regular set of attributes recognized by the HTML::WikiConverter constructor, this dialect also accepts the following attributes: preserve_bold Boolean indicating whether bold HTML elements should be preserved as HTML in the wiki output rather than being converted into MediaWiki markup. By default, <b> and <strong> elements are converted to wiki markup identically. But sometimes you may wish <b> tags in the HTML to be preserved in the resulting MediaWiki markup. This attribute allows this. For example, if "preserve_bold" is enabled, HTML like <ul> <li> <b>Bold</b> <li> <strong>Strong</strong> </ul> will be converted to * <b>Bold</b> * '''Strong''' When disabled (the default), the preceding HTML markup would be converted into * '''Bold''' * '''Strong''' preserve_italic Boolean indicating whether italic HTML elements should be preserved as HTML in the wiki output rather than being converted into MediaWiki markup. For example, if "preserve_italic" is enabled, HTML like <ul> <li> <i>Italic</i> <li> <em>Emphasized</em> </ul> will be converted to * <i>Italic</i> * ''Emphasized'' When disabled (the default), the preceding HTML markup would be converted into * ''Italic'' * ''Emphasized'' preserve_templates Boolean indicating whether "{{template}}" calls found in HTML should be preserved in the wiki markup. If disabled (the default), templates calls will be wrapped in "<nowiki>" tags. preserve_nowiki Boolean indicating whether "<nowiki>" tags found in HTML should be preserved in the wiki markup. If disabled (the default), nowiki tags will be replaced with their content. pad_headings Boolean indicating whether section headings should be padded with spaces (eg, "== Section ==" instead of "==Section=="). Default is false (ie, not to pad). AUTHOR
David J. Iberri, "<diberri at>" BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-html-wikiconverter-mediawiki at", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc HTML::WikiConverter::MediaWiki You can also look for information at: o AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation <> o CPAN Ratings <> o RT: CPAN's request tracker <> o Search CPAN <> COPYRIGHT &; LICENSE Copyright 2006 David J. Iberri, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.10.0 2009-05-29 HTML::WikiConverter::MediaWiki(3pm)