Hi, i would like a help with this problem.
i have the following situation:
4 workstations SUNs:
SunOS porsche 5.8 Generic_117350-18 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-100
SunOS jaguar 5.8 Generic_108528-18 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-100
SunOS mercedes 5.8 Generic_117350-18 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-100
SunOS bmw 5.8 Generic_117350-18 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-100
1 workstation HP:
HP-UX mazda B.10.20 A 9000/777 2015802992 two-user license
I need to remotelly run a script from mazda to those SUNs workstations, the script
works on all but porsche. Ive tryied to execute the script with different users
and always i get the same results.
Here is an exemplo running the script in mercedes:
gama@jaguar:~> xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
gama@jaguar:~> rlogin mazda
gama@mazda:~> setenv DISPLAY jaguar:0.0
gama@mazda:~> laut cagiva
FATAL ERROR from device-driver: TRACE32 (cagiva) not responding
In this exemplo the script worked fine, this error is related to a machine that
is down, i just need to get this error to know if the script works or not.
Now is an exemplo running the script in porsche:
gama@porsche:~> xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
gama@porsche:~> rlogin mazda
gama@mazda:~> setenv DISPLAY porsche:0.0
gama@mazda:~> laut cagiva
The prompt keeps locked and i get no answer.
All files that the script uses are common to all the SUNs workstations, they mount the filesystems from a NFS server.
I have also more HP workstations with HP-UX10.20 and HP-UX11.0 and when i use them
I get the same results as in mazda.
Im running the following script:
# Script file para lauterbach (site Hortolandia)
# Uso: executar o script do diretorio di emulacao do projeto
# Acrecentada a variavel ROOT_DIR para emul project con subdirtorios (5AF)
# M.Bosco 28/1/2002
if ($#argv == 0 || $#argv > 2) then
echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------'
echo '--- Script file de start do ambiente de emulacao Lauterbach ---'
echo '-----------------------------------------------------------------'
echo ' Executar a partir de um diretorio de emulacao do projeto'
echo ' Ex: /shared_data/ccm/sync/CM_1_45_DSMHO/4LV,39_66/4LV/emul'
echo ''
echo ' Sintaxe: laut <emul_name> [int_type]'
echo ' emul_name = nome unix do emulador (suzuki, honda, ...)'
echo ' int_type = tipo de ambiente grafico:'
echo ' 1 ==> standard primeira versao'
echo ' 2 ==> standard ultima versao'
echo ' 3 ==> cde ultima versao (default)'
exit 1
set node_name = $1
set laut_path = /tools/others/emulator/lauterbach/t32_new
set exe_name = bin/t32cde
set hhelp_dir = hhelp
if ($#argv == 2) then
switch ($2)
# n. 1 ==> standard primeira versao
case 1:
set laut_path = /tools/others/t32
set exe_name = hp9000_700/t32
set hhelp_dir = ''
# n. 2 ==> standard ultima versao
case 2:
set laut_path = /tools/others/emulator/lauterbach/t32_new
set exe_name = bin/t32old
set hhelp_dir = hhelp
# 3 ==> cde ultima versao (default)
case 3:
set laut_path = /tools/others/emulator/lauterbach/t32_new
set exe_name = bin/t32cde
set hhelp_dir = hhelp
echo "Error: O segundo parametro do script pode ser entre as seguintes opcoes"
echo ' 1 ==> standard primeira versao'
echo ' 2 ==> standard ultima versao'
echo ' 3 ==> cde ultima versao (default)'
echo "Script aborted"
exit 1
if (! -f $laut_path/config.${node_name} ) then
echo "Error: Nao existe o emulador ${node_name} para o ambiente escolhido"
echo " file ${laut_path}/config.${node_name} nao encontrado"
echo "Script aborted"
exit 1
# Para projetos normais
setenv PROJ_DIR `dirname $PWD`
# Para projetos emul que tem subdiretorios emul_fire/emul_ice (5AF)
setenv ROOT_DIR `dirname $PROJ_DIR`
setenv T32SYS $laut_path
if ( "${hhelp_dir}" != "") then
setenv HHHOME ${T32SYS}/${hhelp_dir}
setenv FONTPATH ${T32SYS}/fonts
setenv T32CONFIG ${T32SYS}/config.${node_name}
/usr/bin/X11/xset fp+ ${FONTPATH}
/usr/bin/X11/xset -fp ${FONTPATH}
Does anybody have an idea how to solve it?