I have searched for a good part of the day, but cannot seem to find an answer to this. I hope this is an appropriate forum for my question.
I am wanting to download a blog web page using a script. It requires username and password login. I have tried the following (an example) to no avail:
curl -d username=username -d password=password
I then tried this hoping that I could get the session started and then go to the page:
curl -d username=username -d password=password --url
http://siteurl/index.php --url
and the same as above using -u username:password instead of -d
I get the pages but I am not logged in. I have tried these methods on other pages using post forms for passwords and it works fine. I have checked to the source of the login pages and I am using the correct name values for password and username. I am trying to download pages that are privy only to members, and I cannot download them
I don't believe the site is using cookies to remember my login info for a session because when I log in and out using firefox, my cookie list does not change.
Does anyone have any ideas what is happing with this?